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Have you ever wondered that how our parents love long lasted or how well they were understanding to each other for many years into marriage???

They are our first inspiration ♥

at some point of time , we do wonder , yes!! maybe our martial life must be same lovable as like them 
Right  ???

Sometimes , it would so silly that they fight and the very next minute they just forget it and get into having jokes and laughing together....ahh tough to be like them ....
but we can try na!!!

relax....guys....Being loved or giving the  love , especially when u r in a relationship like  marriage or GF-BF or Live -in , is little tough cause u expect 
U expect them to get the best and u try to be the best
but we do fail  sometimes and we can't give or have 100%  
that doesn't mean to end that relation , what is most important is to be together what the heck happens♥♥

everything need not to be perfect !!!!

Love is A cycle of seasons....

Initially , It would be so easy and exciting  just like Spring

and slowly , it turns hard as like of  hot and bright Summer , quite tough one....

and all of a sudden u feel so fulfilled and happy as like in Autumn

and then comes slope down...u feel so suffocated and empty , moody  and dry as like Winter

Believe me ....It's just a cycle , Accept it , Go forward , understand the cycle 

As soon as Winter goes on....U'll find the Spring soon.....

Throughout the life , be lovable and don't ever try to end the Love just by having lame excuses....

"I love You forever and ever" the most cringe  , because Love does not exist forever...
Because as i said , Love is like seasons , we do have ups and downs.

What is important is to be together forever♥♥

We have Ego right !!! may be that's the reason we do end up thing in mess!!!!

Relationships should be balanced....If your partner  goes up , then u have to get down to balance , at that point of time , u go and think of ur Ego that why the heck should I get down ???? The there it self , relation will end ......

If u get up , then your Partner must get down  na!!
It's vice versa

Please , don't ever think ,  and never ever feel that , Y the hell the need of adjusting , to be in a relationship

Adjustments are important in a relationship !!!! 

No matter what, It's all about being together ♥ , because sometimes there would  be no love in that relation , i am 200% sure for that ......

At that point time , at that inch , try to be calm and patient , express what u feel , try to understand the "love" cycle , make things clear , be together forever♥♥

If u feel ,  'why the hell always I should Get down or y should only i have to adjust  ' ,  sorry boss ,  no one can help u 💁🏻‍♀️


.........xx THE END xx.........

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