Chapter VI

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Shinsou had immediately freaked the fuck out the minute the stranger hung up the phone, and he quickly told his boss that there was an emergency and he had to leave.

He had more than a few questions, though he decided they could be addressed later, he quickly called Denki and told him what was happening while he ran to Izuku's apartment. All the while a million and one questions flew through his head.

(Who were those guys? Why did they say they were Izuku's husbands and mates? Is Izuku hurt? Did they follow him home? Why did they have the burner phone? How did that guy know I was an Alpha? Why did he keep saying I was just a mortal? What the hell happened to his voice? Am I going to make it in time?) Shinsou thought to himself as he sprinted mindlessly to Izuku's apartment.

Denki on the other hand didn't even give his boss the say so that he was leaving. The minute that Shinsou got off the phone with him he wasted no time getting to the train station. Seeing as his job was farther away from Izuku's apartment than Shinsou's. Though the Omega might not have shows it, he was on the verge of a panic attack.

He was terrified to think of what could be happening to his friend. And of course, it didn't help his thoughts (What did they do to him? How did they find out where he lived? Are they trying to kidnap him? Are they going to kill him? Is Shinsou going to make it there in time? Should I call the police? No Shinsou said not to, if they see that the police are there, they might kill Izuku.) Despite being lost in his own mind Denki immediately noticed when he had reached his stop and he ran faster than a bullet out of a gun to Izuku's apartment, prepared to electrify anyone for harming his friend.

Surprisingly Shinsou and Denki had reached Izuku's apartment only a second apart as Shinsou was searching for the hide-a-key. Though when Denki realized it wasn't there, he didn't hesitate to knock down the door with one swift kick.

"IZUKU!!!" Denki shouted as he sprinted into the apartment, though Shinsou immediately grabbed onto him and pulled him behind the couch as Denki glared at him slightly.

"Denki! we can't come barreling in here. We need to make sure Izuku isn't hurt." Shinsou stated in a harsh whisper as Denki only glared at his boyfriend.

"Hitoshi, I swear on the gods themselves, I don't give two shits who these men are, if they have even harmed a single hair on Izuku's head I swear I'll zap them with so much lighting that they'll smell like cooked chicken!" Denki threatened menacingly as Shinsou looked at him warily, though not surprised.

"While I appreciate the dedication to protecting Izuku, that for one won't be necessary, and two I doubt you would out match either of us in a fight young Omega" Immediately both Shinsou and Denki turned to the voice only to find the ginormous Alpha looming over them.

"One, how the hell did you know he was an Omega, two who the absolute fuck are you?! Three, where the hell is Izuku?!" Shinsou Shouted as he and Denki both stood up fully, though still completely dwarfed by the red head, with Shinsou standing at 6'6 and Denki standing at 5'11.

"So, you're Shinsou hm?" The redhead asked as his expression turned dark for just a moment before he smiled to the two of them.

"Well let's just say it's a gift of mine! Also, Izuku is in the bathroom right now, he's okay though we have a lot to work through right now. And I doubt either of you would be able to comprehend what exactly is going on." The red head stated as Denki and Shinsou looked at him wide eyed.

"We may discuss whatever it is you all have to work through later. He most likely is having a panic attack right now and if you do not let me go comfort him, I swear on the very gods themselves I will find a way to murder the both of you." Denki threatened as the red head only looked surprised though not at all offended, though Shinsou quickly went to stand in front of the blonde Omega in defense

"I can't exactly argue with that, so go ahead." The red head stated as he led the two to Izuku's bathroom where the blonde was still standing by the door

"Kats the Omega can help Izu, let him in." The red head stated as the blonde only glared at the two slightly, though Shinsou more so than either of them. Denki not giving a second glance to either Alpha knelt down to the ground as he listened for Izuku's breathing before speaking.

"Izuku. It's just me, Shinsou is here too. The weirdo's said that you were in here, can I come in? I promise it will just be me." Denki stated calmly, though both the redhead and blonde went wide eyed at the fact Denki openly called them weirdo's. Neither used to being berated by anyone, let alone a mortal Omega.

A few seconds later there was a small click and Denki immediately grabbed the handle and rushed inside of the bathroom and quickly relocking the door not allowing any of the Alpha's to be able to peek inside.

Immediately Denki saw Izuku curled up in a small ball against the wall, Denki then slowly knelt down to Izuku, though saying nothing as he just wrapped his arms around the smaller Omega and brought him into his lap as he stroked his head gently, allowing Izuku to cry quietly into his chest as he leaned against the sink counters.

After about 30 minutes both of the Alpha's grew restless at the fact that they had not heard a sound from either Omega, though Shinsou only sat on a chair as he patiently watched the door, while also watching the two other Alpha's like a hawk. After another 20 minutes there was a small sound of shuffling and all three Alpha's immediately tensed at the sound.

Though the last thing that was expect was for Denki to step out of the bathroom carrying Izuku as Shinsou then immediately came over to the two of them, though not before being growled at by both of the other Alpha's. "Both of you can stop that. Be thankful that we haven't called the police. But I promise one more step out of line, the police will be the last of your troubles." Denki stated coldly as he walked past the two shocked Alpha's and into the living room, while Shinsou followed after him.

After Denki had placed Izuku on the farthest end of the couch away from the other Alpha's, along with placing pillows and blankets around him creating a makeshift nest of sorts, he turned around to the two Alpha's that were glaring at Shinsou, while Shinsou only glared back with just as much fury.

Though Denki not at all caring about whatever feud the Alpha's had created with each other, snapped his fingers and pointed down for them all to sit down, while Shinsou sat next to Denki in front of Izuku, both of the other Alpha's only sat on the small chairs Izuku had around the couch.

"Now. You both are going to explain, why you did this to Izuku, why you have been referring to Hitoshi and I as "mortals", how do you both somehow know our second genders before ever being told, and who are you two." Denki demanded as the atmosphere became even heavier.

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