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Natasha is just wondering when someone with a tray of food walks up to her.

"How are you?" He asked her.

"Good, good, thank you," Natasha said smiling.

"Would you like some hors oeuvres?" Peter Quill asked.

"No, I'm fine, Thank you very much," Natasha said.

"It's a tradition," Peter said.

"Oh, see, it's the texture, I'm not a very fishy person," Natasha said with a smile.

"You'll like it," Peter said.

"You're very sweet but no-" She was cut off by Peter putting the food on her mouth.

"Uhm, thank you very much," Natasha muffled, forcing a smile and chewing the food.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a very important announcement," Steve shouted from the main room as Natasha continues to chew the food.

"Natasha and I are getting married," Steve shouted.

Natasha spits the food in surprise at what Steve just said.

"What the hell, Steve," She said mentally.

"It's the paprika," Peter said.

"Sorry," Natasha said as she wipes her mouth with her handkerchief.

Steve's family was all shocked.

Gammy then topped drinking her water and put it on the table in surprise as they look at Steve more seriously.

"Yup, honey, where are you?" Steve asked forcing a smile.

Natasha then slowly peeks out.

"There you are," Steve said as they cheer.

Natasha looks at Steve with a questioning look.

Steve just smiles at her and then titled his head.

"O-kay," Natasha whispered.

"Come on here, pumpkin," Steve said gesturing for her to come.

They all smiled at them.

Bucky did a wolf whistle as Natasha walks toward Steve, with a forced smile.

"Right there, ladies and gentlemen," Steve said as he wrapped his arms around Natasha's waist sending chills down to Natasha's spine.

"Congratulations, Steve," Most of them said.

"Thank you," Steve said with a giggle while Natasha just glares at Steve then starts smiling.

They started drinking champagne and all, celebrating the announcement.

"So that was your idea of the perfect timing to tell them that we're engaged?" Natasha asked Steve, folding her arms as she pouts.

'Damn it, why do you have to be so cute?' Steve thought.

Steve shakes his head, "Yup," Steve answered.

"Cause it was a brilliant way to tell them," Natasha said sarcastically.

"Thank you," Steve said as he rolls his eyes.

Then a girl walks towards them.

"Hey, Steve," a girl said, blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a blue shirt, grey jacket, and jeans.

Steve turned around, "Charlotte," Steve said hugging her as the girl hugs Steve back.

Natasha just looks at her, her arms still folded.

꧁𝑂𝑢𝑟 𝑈𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦꧂Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora