Chapter 2: Sneeze

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After the whole Dark Thursday, Liana decided to change her hair and she finally decided to change her last name to Lane

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After the whole Dark Thursday, Liana decided to change her hair and she finally decided to change her last name to Lane. Liana wanted to get an apartment in Metropolis, but Lois said she could have her old apartment back at the Talon. So, right now, Liana's on a run in the fields of Smallville. As she's running, she hears a loud crash and looks behind her to see part of a barn door and says, "What the hell?" Later, Lana's in the car with Lex and he says, "You know, for someone about to change addresses you're traveling pretty light." Lana says, "Yeah, well, I don't need a lot. It's only temporary. They think the school should reopen by nest semester. It was nice of you to offer me a room at the mansion. I don't know what I would have done. Lex, if you're not okay with this and having second thoughts, then let's talk." Lex looks at Lana and says, "There's nothing to talk about. Everything's great." Later, Liana goes to the Kent's and knocks on the door and comes in and says, "Hey, you guys are not gonna believe what just happened to me. I'm out there running along, minding my own business when out of nowhere, a barn door comes falling from the clear blue sky and almost crushes me. How does that happen?" Liana grabs a water from the fridge and drinks it. Clark says, "Maybe it fell from an airplane." Liana says, "Good guess, but the only thing up there was a severely traumatized sparrow." Clark sniffs and Liana softly says, "Are you okay?" Mrs. Kent says, "It's just a little cold." Liana says, "Well, lucky for you, I have the perfect remedy. Honey and a little bit of cayenne pepper. Works every time. First it makes you sneeze a bunch of times, but I swear you're pretty much cured." Clark says, "Liana, I'll pass." Mrs. Kent says, "I think we're all out of cayenne, Liana." Liana finds the cayenne pepper and looks at Mrs. Kent and says, "No, you're not, I'm just gonna whip up a little bit of something here." Liana looks out their window to see their barn door missing. Liana says, "Where did you barn door go? It was here late last night when I came to drop off the documents, and now it's gone." Clark comes over and says, "Look at that. It is gone." Liana says, "And it's been ripped right off its hinges. Oh, my God, that barn door. I knew it looked familiar. Now, how in the world does that happen?" Later, Lana's at Lex's mansion and walks past a security guard and walks up to Lex and says, "I had no idea I was moving into a fortress. Everywhere I turn, there's another security guard." Lex grabs Lana's shoulders and says, "Lana, that gentleman's not a security guard. He's a private investigator. Over the last few days, it's become clear I'm being followed." Lana says, "By who?" Lex says, "Well, I doubt I have to look much further than the lowest branch on the family tree but... I can't be sure." Lex goes to on the couch and Lana looks at Lex and says, "Have you called the police?" Lex says, "After breaking every law imaginable when I was inhabited by Zod I don't wanna go anywhere near a badge. I can't trust anyone. Not even my own security." Lana goes to sit next to Lex and says, "You can trust me." Lex holds Lana's hand and says, "Of course, I can. Lana, I want you to have this. In case of an emergency." Lex gives Lana a card and continues to say, "He's the best PI in Metropolis. If anything happens to me, you need to call that number. Not the police. Robert Pontius will make sure you're safe." Lana looks at Lex and says, "Lex, don't talk like that." Lex says, "I'm just being cautious."

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