Chapter 22: Phantom

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It's late at night and Lana meets up with Lionel in an alley. Lionel says, "Lana, now I want you to find out about the trips that Lex has been making to Quebec." Lana says, "I got you information. I gave you that DVD our deal this done." Lionel says, "The deal is done when I say it's done." Lana says, "I'm leaving Lex and you are gonna leave Liana alone." As Lana leaves, Lionel stops her and says, "Alright Lana, I truly admire your sense of conviction, but remember everything you're doing is to protect Liana." Lana says, "How can I believe that when you threatened to murder her. It's over Lionel with you and your depraved son." Lionel says, "You're upset I realize that--" Lana cuts him off and says, "I'm not upset. I am terrified, I spend every night lying beside that psychopath." Lionel says, "Lex, has his faults, but he would never harm you. Never." Lana says, "He already has. And when he finds out I've betrayed him he's gonna do a lot worse." As Lana goes to open her car door, Lionel closes it and says, "I won't let anything happen to you, Lana. I give you my word, but right now you have got to stay with Lex. The information you can get from him will save your sister. And it may save the world."

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Liana's on her computer with a bunch of papers Project Ares

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Liana's on her computer with a bunch of papers Project Ares. Chloes walks into the apartment to see the mess of papers near her and says, "Hey. Is that the look of a reporter on the trail of a hot story or someone trying to pick good lottery numbers?" Liana says, "Right before Wes haywired, he kept repeating these numbers over and over again. They have to mean something." Chloe says, "Well, Wes was solider. I mean, maybe it was his serial number." Liana says, "I asked Lois about it, and she said it wasn't any branch of armed forces she ever heard of. And I've run the numbers through every search engine on the wed. I got nothing." Chloe says, "Good. Let's keep it that way. I'm mean Lex was controlling Wes and he almost killed you. You remember what he did to my mother? I don't want him to hurt someone else that I care about. Now, please, back off." Liana says, "You know what? You're right. Why would I knowingly walk straight into enemy fire? He'll get his. It's only a matter of time." Liana rips the paper with the numbers in half and Chloe smiles and says, "Good. You can thank me later. Now, I have to rocket to the Planet." Chloe walks out the room and Liana sighs and looks at the paper she ripped and notices their coordinates. Liana says, "Longitude and latitude." Liana smiles and isn't going to let this go. Later, Liana goes to Clark's loft and waits for him. Clark says, "Liana?" Liana turns to face Clark and says, "Hi." Clark notices something wrong and walks closer to her and says, "What's wrong?" Liana softly says, "I don't know what's going to happen in the next 24 hours, but I want you to know that I'll always love you, Clark." As Liana walks away and Clark feels a little deja vu about her saying goodbye. Clark thinks it's time to reveal to Liana, so he super speeds down in front of her and says, "Wait. Liana. I can't lose you again. Not without telling you the truth about me." Liana says, "Clark, I already know about your powers." Clark is surprised she knows and says, "There's more. I'm from another planet. It's called Krypton. It's light-years away, and my parents sent me here to save me. They sent me to Earth just before Krypton was destroyed." Liana walks to Clark and softly kisses him and pulls away and softly says, "You're still the same Clark Kent to me." Clark softly smiles and says, "I guess there's no reason for you to go. We can be together now." Liana softly smiles and says, "I'd like that." Clark smiles and Liana says, "You've told me your secret and now I can tell you mine. I'm a meteor freak." Clark watches Liana's eyes turn blue, and ice come out her hands. Clark can't believe they both have powers Clark places his hand on Liana's face and she leans into him, and he says, "I can guess we both had the same fear of being looked at different." Liana nods and softly says, "Yeah." Clark gives Liana a hug and kisses the top of her head with content sigh. Liana isn't going to tell Clark about the coordinates. Later, Liana's back at her apartment getting ready to go to the location where the coordinates lead to. There's a knock on the door and Liana opens the door to see Lana. Lana says, "I'm leaving Lex." Liana smiles and says, "Finally." Lana sighs and says, "Liana, I came here to say goodbye." Liana frowns and says, "Why are you saying goodbye?" Lana says, "Lex is going to be very angry. It's too dangerous. I have to leave Smallville." Liana says, "Lana, you don't have to worry about Lex. You don't have to be afraid. I can protect you from him." Lana softly says, "You can't this time. Liana, I'm sorry." As Lana leaves, Liana has tears in her eyes and says, "Lana, wait." Lana stops and looks at her sister and Liana continues to say, "Why did you really marry Lex?" Lana softly says, "I don't know how he knows, but Lionel knows about your powers, and your weakness. He threatened to kill you if I didn't marry Lex." Liana's angry and Lana brings her sister into a goodbye hug and continues to say, "I love you so so, much Lia." Liana hugs her sister tight and softly cries. Later, Liana goes to see Lionel and he says, "Liana, what are you doing here?" Liana grabs Lionel's neck and angrily says, "What I should have done a long time ago." Liana freezes his throat to suffocate him, and he struggles to say, "Why are you doing this? Is it because of Lana? It is, isn't? If Lana has spoken to you, I know what you must be thinking, but you've got to listen to me." Liana says, "No, I wouldn't believe any word you'd have to say." Lionel says, "Lex is tracking an alien. I had to force Lana to marry him. It was the only way she could get close to him to get the information I needed to help Clark." Liana stops freezing his neck and says, "You know about Clark?" Lionel catch's his breath and says, "Yeah, I do." Liana says, "Tell me everything about this alien." Lionel explains everything to Liana and Liana says, "So, Lex is tracking a wraith from something called a Phantom Zone?" Lionel nods and says, "Yeah, I'm guessing Clark doesn't know does he?" Lionel says, "No, he doesn't." Liana sighs and says, "You should tell him, there's somewhere else I need to be." Later, Lana walks into the mansion library to break things off with Lex. Lana says, "Lex, we have to talk." Lex says, "We most certainly do... but it'll have to wait. I'll be back tonight." Lana says, "I won't be. Lex, I can't live like this anymore." Lex nods and says, "Yeah, I don't blame you living a lie in a marriage you never wanted. It must take its toll after a while." Lana says, "You're the expert. Setting up a nursery, an heirloom crib, the tears of joy in your eyes when you that ultrasound. What kind of toll does that take, Lex?" Lex walks closer to Lana and says, "What in God's name are you talking about?" Lana angrily says, "I'm talking about the massive amounts of hormones that you injected into my veins to make me believe I was pregnant. What kind of monster are you?" Lex says, "I don't know where you're getting your information from, Lana but it's nothing but slander. You know I would never..." As Lex goes to touch Lana, she swipes his hand away and says, "Don't lie, Lex. It's too late for all that. This marriage is over." As Lana goes to walk away, Lex says, "Lana, I know I'm far from perfect... but you can't deny what we have between us." Lana turns to look at Lex with anger and says, "Lex, all there is between us are lies on top of lies." Lex says, "Lana, everything I've ever done it's because I love you." Lana says, "You aren't capable of love, Lex. You never were." Lex sighs and walks to go close the door and says, "It's Liana, isn't it? You're protecting her secret, because you think I'll hurt her." Liana has angry tears in her eyes and says, "You already have." Lex says, "What are you talking about? I would never hurt her." Lana scoffs and says, "Project Ares, that asset almost killed her, and you were controlling him, so don't you say that you would never hurt her. Liana means more to me than you ever will." Lex slaps Lana and she grunts and wipes the blood off her lip and Lex says, "Lana." Lana says, "That's the last time you'll ever touch me." As Lana goes to leave, Lex grabs her arm to stop her and says, "Do you really think I could just let you walk away?" Lana looks at Lex and says, "What are you going to do, Lex? Kill me? Because it's the only way you're gonna keep me in this mansion." Lana takes her arm out of Lex's grip and walks away. The next day, Clark is with Chloe, and he says, "Chloe, I told Liana my secret. She knows everything. She knows that I'm... an alien." Chloe smiles and says, "Finally." Clark realizes and says, "You knew about her secret?" Chloe smiles and says, "Yeah. I guess we have a new charter member of the Clark Kent secret-keeping club. What did she say?" Clark softly smiles and says, "She kissed me. And then she showed me her powers." Chloe smiles and says, "You've been wanting this forever, you just... You must be on cloud 99." Clark says, "I will be, as soon as I deal with this phantom." Later, Lana's on the phone with Lionel and says, "I'm through with you Luthor's. I'm leaving Smallville." Lionel says, "Lana, I'm minutes away. Just stay where--" Lana cuts him off and says, "I don't trust you. I don't trust anyone anymore." Lionel says, "Lana, stay calm. Please." Lana's walking to her car and says, "It's too late. Lex hit me." Lionel says, "Alright, I'm here. I'm pulling up right now." Lana says, 'I'm getting out of here, and I'm never coming back." Lana hangs up the phone and hears Lionel say, "Lana!" Lana gets into the car and Lionel watches the car explode. 

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Later, Liana gets a text from see Lionel to go to the the mansion, but she's taking Clark with her because she doesn't trust herself around Lionel

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Later, Liana gets a text from see Lionel to go to the the mansion, but she's taking Clark with her because she doesn't trust herself around Lionel. They both walk in, and Clark says, "Lex has the phantom. He used an unmarked helicopter to kidnap a boy from the same village in Quebec." Lionel looks at Liana mostly, and Clark says, "What happened to you?" Lionel gets up and says, "Liana, I... I don't know how to tell you this." Liana says, "Tell me what?" Lionel says, "It's uh... Lana, she's... She..." Liana says, "She what?" Lionel softly says, "She's gone." Liana says, "I know, she said she was leaving Smallville." Lionel sighs and says, "No. She's gone as in dead." Liana has tears in her eyes and softly says, "No." Lionel says, "It was a bomb in her car." Liana says, "I don't believe you." Lionel says, "I was there, Liana. I saw it happen." Liana has tears rolling down her face and cries. Lionel softly says, "I'm so sorry." Liana cries and says, "She was gonna leave him. He didn't let her leave. Where's Lex?" Lionel says, "Liana." Liana's angry and her powers frits and her powers blow out the fire and she angrily says, "Tell me where Lex is." Lionel says, "I can't let you do something you'll regret for the rest of your life." As Liana goes to leave, Clark blocks her path and softly says, "Liana." Clark can see the rage in her watery eyes and Liana says, "Get out of my way, Clark." Clark says, "No. I'm going with you." Clark grabs Liana in his arms and runs away so they can both find Lex. Clark and Liana followed Lionel to Reeves Dam and Clark super speeds them inside to find Lex. Liana gets out of Clark's arms and sees Lex. Clark watch's from behind her and sees her have Lex against the wall and she angrily says, "Why you do it?" Lex angrily says, "Get your hands off of me." Liana angrily says, "Were you afraid she was gonna bring you down or was it just too humiliating for you that she was gonna leave you? Why did you have to kill her? Why?" Lex is confused and says, "What are you talking about?" Liana scoffs and says, "Like you don't already know. Lana is dead." Lex says, "No." Liana angrily says, "No. You don't need to act so surprised. You're the one who killed her. You put a bomb in her car. You're the one who killed her." Then a door opens, and Lex and Clark look behind and Lex says, "Get out of here. He'll kill us." Liana sees what their looking at and it's the little boy Clark was talking about. The boy says, "He's right." Liana lets go of Lex and Lex runs out of there. Clark looks at Liana and says, "Run. I'll handle this." Liana nods and runs out the place. Liana bumps into a man and he says, "What are you doing down here?" Liana says, "I was just leaving." The man pulls out a gun and Liana widens her eyes and says, "You don't have to do this, I didn't see anything." The guy says, "Yeah, right. That's what they all say." Liana kicks the gun out of his hand and kicks him in the stomach and punches him the face. The guy gets up and take out a knife and says, "Looks like we got ourselves a wild one." Liana says, "Wait until you see my claws." The guy pushes Liana against the chain fence and is about to stab her, but Liana pushes him off and he gets the upper hand and stabs her, but not before she knocks him out. Liana sighs and looks down to see the knife in her stomach with so much blood pouring out. Liana groans and takes the knife out and tries to stop the bleeding. Liana drops the knife and starts walking out of the dam, but she doesn't far and falls to the ground. Liana takes her phone out and calls Chloe leaves and message, saying, "Chloe, help." Liana closes her eyes. Later, Chloe tracked Liana's location to Reeves Dam and rushes to find her. Chloe sees a guy on the ground unconscious, a knife with blood on it and a pool of blood. Chloe follows the blood to see Liana on the ground surrounded by blood and kneels next to her and says, "Oh, God. Liana, it's gonna be alright. Okay? I'm gonna get you help." Chloe touches the blood on Liana and sees it's a lot of it and holds Liana in her arms and cries, "Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Liana? Come on, Liana, you're a fighter. Come on." Chloe's crying and continues to say, "Come on, Liana. Come on. You're the strongest girl I know. Come on! Please! You can't die. I can't lose you. I love you too much. Please." Chloe has a teardrop down her face and on top Liana and her meteor powers are revealed and heal Liana. Liana wakes up and lifts her shirt to see that she's been healed, and she's confused on how. Liana then sees Chloe in front of her and softly says, "Chloe? Chloe? Wake up. Hey, wake up." Liana feels Chloe's pulse and she doesn't have one. Liana cries and says, "No. No, I can't lose you too." Liana feels the ground shaking and bursts of water coming through. Liana gets on top of Chloe to shield her. 

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