Chapter 10: Hydro

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It's late at night and Lana goes to see Chloe at the Daily Planet. Chloe says, "So I'm guessing you didn't ditch prime time on your social calendar to come and help me research the dwindling pigeon population." Lana says, "Chloe, uh, Lex proposed." Chloe's shocked and says, "And?" Lana says, "And I haven't given him an answer yet." Chloe says, "I'm sure that's going over well." Lana says, "Yeah, Lex and I are in a really great place right now, but... when I actually heard those words there was something that wouldn't let me say yes." Chloe says, "Something like Liana?" Lana says, "If I marry Lex, there can't be any secrets between us. I know that Liana has trust issues with her secret, but I don't know if I can still protect her from him." Chloe says, "Why don't you talk with Liana about Lex?" Lana slowly nods and Chloe says, "Let's get out of here."


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The next day, Liana's by the dumpster out back near the Talon wanting for someone who has pictures of The Green Arrow

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The next day, Liana's by the dumpster out back near the Talon wanting for someone who has pictures of The Green Arrow. Liana hears a voice say, "ScoopGirl?" Liana says, "Hotshot485?" Liana turns to see Jimmy and says, "Jimmy, hi." Jimmy says, "Hi." Liana says, "So, do you have the photos?" Jimmy says, "You got the cash?" As Liana gives Jimmy the money, Jimmy gives her the folder with the photos. Liana looks at the photos and says, "This is it? A bunch of arms and legs? Nice work, hotshot. I mean, you didn't even manage to catch one shot of his face. All these tell me about Green Arrow is that he needs a Band-Aid." Liana sees that Green Arrow has a cut on his shoulder and Jimmy says, "Well, at least you got a good look at that." Later, Chloe's at the Talon getting some coffee when she sees the newspaper and it's about Lindy Lake's Daily Dish. It's an article about Lex's proposal to Lana is on hold because of sister's secret. Chloe widens her eyes and Clark walks up to Chloe and says, "Hey, Chloe." Chloe puts the newspaper down and looks at Clark and says, "Have you seen the "Daily Planet" this morning?" Clark says, "No." Chloe says, "Okay." Later, Lex brings Lana breakfast and Lana sits up in bed and says, "You didn't have to do that." Lana sees the newspaper and Lex says, "I was feeling alone waiting for your answer. I didn't realize I had so much company." Lana says, "I don't know what to say." Lex says, "Then let me. "If I marry Lex, there can't be any secrets between us. I know that Liana has trust issues with her secret, but I don't know if I can still protect her from him." You know the worst part of waiting... was dwelling on all the reasons why you might be stalling. At least now I know." Lana softly says, "Lex, I'm sorry." Lana's phone rings and Lana sees it's Chloe and Lex walks out the room. Later, Lex pays a visit to Linda Lake. Linda says, "Hmm, Mr. Luthor. Now there's only one reason a celebrity pays me a house call." Lex chuckles and says, "Right to the point. Since you have a unique way of exhuming even the most carefully buried secrets, I have a little freelance assignment for you." Linda says, "I quit doing freelance when I quit fetching lattes for pudgy-fingered newsroom vultures." Lex says, "Well, I'll let you decide what it's worth to you." Lex opens his checkbook and gives a check to Linda and continues to say, "Fill in whatever number you want. Just get me anything you can on Liana Lane."

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