Fixing the Razor Crest

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A large, damaged ship welcomed me as I went into the hanger. Her owner stood next to the outstretched ramp, a tall Mandalorian fully clad in traditional armor.

"Hello!" I said, cheerfully. "I'm Viv. I'll be taking care of your ship. I assume you've already talked to my boss and worked out all the details of the job, but he's off... doing stuff, so I'm going to fix it for you."

"You look a little young to be a mechanic," he said. Even through his helmet, his voice was as smooth as shimmersilk.

"Just because I'm young doesn't mean I don't know how to do my job," I quipped back. I wandered around the ship, running my hands over every part I could reach. "She's a ST-70 assault ship. Pre empire by the looks of it. Probably used as a military patrol craft. Security protocols enforced, am I correct?" The Mandalorian nodded. "That's what I thought," I continued. "Advanced weapons, twin engines, world class hyperdrive, spacious cargo hold."

I started to walk up the ramp to go inside. "May I?" He gestured inside as an invitation to continue and followed me. "She's beautiful," I said as we went into the cockpit. "What's her  name?"

"Just Razor Crest," he answered.

"Not very creative, but easy to remember, I guess." I grazed my fingers over the controls. "Okay, Razor Crest. Talk to me, tell me what's wrong."

"One of the engines gave out, I know that," the Mandalorian said. "And, I'm sure there's other things wrong. This is just beyond my skill."

"And what exactly are your skills?" I asked as I wandered out to grab my tools.

"Bounty hunting."

I huffed. "That explains a lot. The curt responses, the carbon freezing chambers, this whole get up." I gestured at his armor. "I thought there were no Mandalorians left."

"We are small in numbers, but some of us still remain. Those who are loyal to the Creed, that is."

I raised my eyebrow at him. "The Creed?"

"This is the way," was all he said.

"Well, my way is inside." I chortled at my own joke. All he did was stare at me. I heaved a sigh and said, "I should be finished in about an hour, maybe two. You can go about your business and meet me back here."

"That's all? Your boss said it would take at least a day."

I smiled. "I told you, I'm good at my job."

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