Lunch without Each other

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Aphmau's P.O.V

I let out a yawn as I walked down they hallway of school.

"Ughhh, I'm so tired" I groaned out "I feel like I haven't gotten enough sleep all week. But at least it's lumch time" I tried to be optimistic as I spoke, deciding to eat my lunch inside for today.

"Oh no" I heard as I pulled out my sandwich to eat, looking to my right I could see two werewolves sitting at the table next to mine "I forgot my lunch today"

"Ugh this is terrible" The girl was saying "I'm so hungry"

"Oh man, that is terrible" The boy next to her said "You just got out of soccer practice too"

"That's right" The girl said, nodding with a groan "I'm actually super hungry"

I let out a slight sigh of frustration, as I looked at the sandwich I had in hand.

"I just finished my lunch" The boy said "and I don't have any money you can borrow"

I walked over to the two of them, forcing myself to stay calm.

"Here, you can have my lunch" I told her, giving her my lunchbox.

"Oh my gosh" The girl said, smiling "No way, thank you so much alpha"

"Our alpha female is the best" The boy said, laughing slightly.

I let out a sigh, walking back over to my seat, only to see 20 dollars sitting on top of my backpack.

"Huh, who left this here" I wondered out loud. I glanced at the lunch line, my stomach growing.

"Well it was left for me..." I ferociously shook my head "No! I can't just use someone else's money" My stomach growled again, making me groan "Alright, alright. I'll just pay back whoever left it later"

I walked over to the lunch line, getting in line behind another student who was buying the school lunches.


3rd person P.O.V

Unknown to the girl, hinding behind one of the pillars stood a ombre haired girl, a small smile on her face as she observed the girl.

"You know you could just talk to her"


Violet's P.O.V

I quickly turned around with a glare, ready to attack if the other person posed any threat. Only to role my eye's when I saw Travis standing there.

"I can't, Travis" I sighed "She probably hates me"

"I'm sure she doesn't hate you" My white haired boy said, looking at me sadly "Even so, how will you know, unless you talk to her"

I stayed quiet, turning back to see Aphmau walk back over to her seat, only for Kai to approach her.

I saw Kai look up at me, I shook my head, slightly begging for him to not tell her what I had done.

He went back to talking to her, she didn't turn to face me, so I felt it was safe to assume he didn't tell her.

I let out a sigh of relief, before feeling a hand placed on my shoulder.

"Why don't you come eat lunch with me and Dante" Travis said, turning around I could see a small smile on his face.

"Alright" I said, sighing with a nod.

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