Ice Skates and Anger

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Violet's P.O.V

I laced up my skates as I listened to the conversation my friend's were having.

"This place is great" Travis said, looking at Garroth and Laurence "What made you guys decide to come"

"Well I heard some people talking about this place" Garroth said "And decided that we should come"

"This is going to be so fun" Lillian said, giggling "It's been forever since I got to ice skate"

"I've never ice skated before" I said, looking up at them.

"Me neither" Dante said, shrugging "I'm sure it'll be fun though"

"You'll both be fine" Laurence told us, smiling "If you fall, just try to land on your butt"

"Good to know" Ivy mumbled, as we began walking towards the ice.

I slowly began moving when I got onto the ice, find it to be similar to roller skating.

"This is like roller skating" I said, smiling slightly.

"Your right" Lillian said, smiling "The two are very similar"

"I can do this" I said to myself beginning to get the hang of it.

"Ack" I heard, turning to see that Dante had fallen on his back and dragged Travis down with him.

"You two okay" I asked, skating over to them.

"I think so" Travis groaned out, getting to his feet.

"Could be worse" Dante sitting up "How did you get the hang of this so quickly"

"I roller skate" I said, holding out a hand to help him up "It's kinda similar"

"Good for you" He said, with a groan as he got to his feet.

We skated over to were Garroth and Laurence stood, seeing they each now wore a very strange black hat.

"-Like dorks" We heard Ivy say laughing before she fell on her butt as we approached.

"Cute dorks" Michi said, laughing as well.

"Well you both are right that they look like dorks" I said, agreeing with the two girls. Both Garroth and Laurence looked at me in betrayal.

"What's with the hat's anyways" Dante asked, holding onto my shoulder as he almost fell again.

"Well their in style" Garroth said, sounding offended.

"You two want one" Laurence asked, looking at Travis and Dante.

"No thanks" Travis said, shaking his head "I'd rather not join you both in looking stupid"

"I agree with Travis" Dante said, gaining his balance as Ivy stood back up.

Behind us I could hear familiar laughter from the other side of the rink, turning to look behind me I saw Aphmau giggling while helping Kai stand up from where he appeared to have fallen.

I felt a pain of sadness as I observed the scene, I couldn't hear what they both were saying, but they seemed to be having fun.

I feel my ears droop while looking back at the group I came with, as Lillian skated back over to us. I was happy that she was happy, but I still just wanted to be her friend again.


I walked out of the bathroom while looking around. I did not want to run into Aphmau, I wasn't ready to talk to her, even after a month.

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