A Challenging Reunion

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Aphmau's P.O.V

"We'll put the buns back right were we found them, promise" Dottie told me, smiling. I had stumbled across the pup trio in the gym well Dottie and Rylan were having Daniel move buns from one side of the gym to another.

"Thank you guys" I said, sighing before turning to Daniel "Now, why exactly are you trying to get in shape, Daniel"

"W-Well because" He studdered slightly "I'm going to challenge Ein, and take the position of Alpha"

"Wh-" I exclaimed shocked. None of the pup trio had shown any interest at all in becoming alpha, least of all Daniel.

"Yeah" Dottie exclaimed grinning "We're training Daniel because he's going to challenge Ein and dethrone him as Alpha" Her voice was filled with determination and confidence as she spoke.

"Yeah, Daniel can do it" Rylan said, grinning.

"Yeah" Daniel said, though with less confidence than the other two "I'm gonna give him a hug, and when I do, he'll let his guard down, and when he does, I'll suplex him, and destroy him"

"I- What" He exclaimed, as Daniel went on with another plan. I was highly doubtful that any of their plans would work, Daniel was a lover, not a fighter. I had doubts that he knew what some of the words he was saying meant.

"Daniel no!" I cut him off "Daniel, please promise me, you won't fight Ein" I looked at the pup that I considered my little brother "I believe in you, but Ein will play dirty, and I can't stand the thought of getting hurt"

"B-But" He began, clearly reluctant to give up.

"Please Daniel" I said, giving him puppy dog eye's "I don't want you hurt"

"Okay" Daniel saod, humming slightly "I promise"

"We'll go clean up the buns" Rylan told me, before turning to the other two "Come on guy's"

"Thank you guys" I said, sighing with relief "Oh, one more thing, I wanted to ask you if you've seen my phone by chance" I let out a sigh "Jax and Ryder took it, and I fear one of them have it"

The three of them responded with different variations of no, causing a groan to escape me.

"I see" I said, looking down with a sigh.

"Maybe Ein has it" Dottie suggested "He hangs around them alot"

"He said he doesn't" I told them "but I can't trust him" I then remembered "Oh that reminds me, have you three gotten any information on him"

"Not much other than the obvious" Rylan said, shaking his head.

"He does seem to have some sort of obsession with you though" Dottie said, sounding weirded out.

"It's actually kind of creepy" Daniel added.

"Just what I needed" I let out a sigh "Some sort of yandere after me" I looked up at the three pups "Thank you so much for telling me, I'll be sure to be careful, and you three should be aswell"

"We will" They replied smiling before going to clean up the boxes.

I smiled slightly as I watched them head towards the boxes before stopping Dottie.

"Dottie wait" I said, causing her to turn to me "Do you think you could help me out today"

"Huh" She asked, tilting her head slightly.

"I need help looking for my phone" I explained, holding back tears as I felt the stress begin to get to me "And some of the werewolves aren't listening to me, because I'm not a werewolf"

Aaron's Hybrid Sister (Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora