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Clarissa/Saeun POV

We went back home safely, but well, oppa being a protective brother whose afraid of me being hurt, but actually I'm fine.

We went inside the house and went to our rooms except for oppa who helped me with my stuff. We went inside the room and he put my belongings on the floor and went out.

I dropped myself to the bed and stared at the ceiling. I started to think about random stuff until I just realized something.

I have to go to college the day after tomorrow.

I shot up for my bed and started to do my happy dance but then I realized that if I go to college then I won't be able to play with the other member. With just thinking of it made me sad and I went back to my bed to sat down. I sighed but then I thought 'It's not like I'll be with them all the time though'

I think too much that I didn't realized I haven't change my clothes yet. I changed into my oversized gray t-shirt and a black short, I tied my hair into a messy bun and went out of the room.

When I opned the door I saw Hongbin who was on his way downstairs. When he saw me and observed me from head to toe after that he rolled his eyes and mumbling something like "ridiculous" or "is she even a girl."

I curled my hands into a fist and breath out loudly. Loudly enough for him to heard it. "There you are! Omo, even in those clothes you still look gorgeous." N came to me in a proud mother voice, I just smiled at him and saw that Hongbin already went downstairs. "I'm sorry for his rude behavior. He's acting like that when he meet new person."

I nodded. "But he's actually a very kind hearted person inside, he just doesn't like to show it." He added. When I think about it, I think it's true. If he's not kind then he already done something bad when we were locked up in our room and he wouldn't help me when I had my panick attack.

"I believe so." I smiled. "Let's go, it's almost dinner time. Why don't we go down to get something to eat."

We walked downstairs and went to the kichen and found nothing there. One of the maid came and said "I'm sorry Ms and Mr, do you want to eat now? I'll prepare the food." N nodded. "Can you please just rest? I'll cook something." I looked at her in concern because she looked so pale and lifeless. "But miss I-" "It's okay, I can manage." I smiled to her. She bowed a little and left the kitchen. "Do you know how to cook?" I nodded. Actually I'm a pretty good cook, because back in my house, mom and dad were always gone so I cooked for myself.

I open the refrigenerator and looked inside. There was chicken, tomato, mushroom, peperoni, and some bacon. I think I'll just make pizza.

"Do you need help in anything??" I nodded. "I think you can help me to make the bread, do you know how to make it?" He looked confused. I laughed at his reaction and gave my phone to him. "That's the ingredient and step to make it. You can follow it." He nodded and srated to make it.

I was cutting the vegetables until I felt something soft on my cheeks. I touched it and saw that it was a flour. I looked at N and some part of his face are covered in flour. I giggled "here, let me help you." When I'm half way cleaning his face, suddenly his throw a hand full of flour to me. I looked at him in disbelieve but then we laughed our heart content out.

"Okay, okay, I think that's enough. Let's go back to our work." It's true though, half of my hair is white because of the flour. I wanted to shake it off but I'm afraid it will spoiled the vegetables so I leave it there.

I almost finished cutting the muchroom until someone back hug me. I was startled and jumped a little because of it. I got a little bit worried but then I saw that it was oppa. I smiled at him. "Woaa, I don't know that you can cook." He smiled wider. "Of course, I've never cook here." I turned my body around. Luckly, oppa let go of me and went to get some water from the counter. Because to be honest, the back hug was a little bit uncomfortable because I've never been treated that way.

I just realized that Hongbin was there when oppa back hugged me, he was leaning on the door frame with crossed arms infront of his chest while his eyes looked at me like how he looked at me eariler. I rolled my eyes at him and continue to cook.

Finally N and me finished our work and now we're baking it while having a little rest since we made it in quite a large amount.

??? POV

I was laying in my bed and started to think about what we did today. And not forget to think about her. We went shopping today. I'm so happy because I'm able to see her in that cute little dress. I just want to hug her but I couldn't. I'm only watching her from a far. I sighed. But then I remebered what happened when we went out of the mall. She's holding Leo hyung's hand. Why? Why can't I have a moment like that with her? I sighed again and went out of the room. I'm still thinking of her until I heard her laugh.

I followed the sound of the laugh. And what I saw only breaks my heart again. She's there in the kitchen with N hyung infront of her. She's cleaning his face with her hands. Damn, how I wish that was me. I'm sure she couldn't see me because I'm just peeking at them.

I slumped down and went back to my room then touched my chest "I'm nothing for her, but why does it hurt so bad?"

Clarissa/Saeun POV

Finally the pizza is done ^-^

I put the pizza on the table while N called the other to come down and eat.

One by one of the member started to fill the chair. With the jer- I mean Hongbin the last to arrived. He sat far far away from me and didn'r even spare anytime to thank us for the dinner unlike the other.

The dinner was silent, but not the awkward silent, I think it's because we're hungry since we forgot to have lunch earlier. Suddenly I remember something. "Oppa, where is aunty?? Why I haven't seen her?" He gulped down a full cup of water "Mom went to an overseas business and I don't know when she'll be back." I nodded and continue to eat my pizza.

We finished eating and we have the same position which is a slumped down body, a hand above stomach, and head looking at the ceiling. I'm quite proud of myself because I've never made something in large scale, I was nervous but after seeing their reaction, I proud.

"Ughh, I'm too full. I want to go to bed." Ravi said. "Me too, I don't care about me being fat tomorrow. I jusf want to sleep." Ken added. Leo and Hongbin was the first one to leave the room. I went out after them but I realized that my phone is still in the kitchen. I picked it up and saw a massage.

Hello :) -glorious N

Glorious N? I don't think I have someone named like that in my contact list. I opened my contact and saw that there's another 5 new number. Poker Faced, Cutie Cutie, Lavaa, Hemoglobin, Tall oppa are the name of the new contacts. I guess N saved down the number when I lend him my phone for cooking eariler.

Who's Hemoglobin?? Wait. Is it Hongbin? What a nice name. There's also Alien V V. Ohh, that must be V from the coffee shop. I smiled at my phone and went upstairs to cleaned myself up and then fall asleep.


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