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Clarissa/Saeun POV

It's been several months since me and Hongbin started to date and both of us has been doing quite well. When we told the member about it, they looked very shocked especially my brother.

"What?! You? Hongbin? Together? Oh my god." He said as he dropped into the floor with his hand holding his head. "Why? You don't like me to be your sister's boyfriend?" Hongbin asked.

"No it's just.. do you remember when both of you were trapped in her room? And after both of you got out, you started to give each other a cold shoulder. Because of that incident, I was a hundred percent sure that both of you won't be together." He said as he laughed and followed by the oher members.

He had the point. During those time, he was still a jerk, an attractive jerk if I may say. He kept on glaring at me or saying things that quite hurtful to me.

And now, I'm on my way to my brother's (and boyfriend's) company to give them the lunch box that me and Hana have made since recently we don't have time to hang out because they're having a lot of practicing to do.

When I got inside the building, people started to whisper to each other while looking at me, but I didn't really care though.

I'm currently wearing a white dress with a pastel yellow cardigan to cover the sleveless dress that I wore and I also used a white converse since I didn't really enjoy using heels. And if you think that I kind of look nice with the dress and all, you must not forget about the lunch box.

I brought all seven of them by myself with seven different box, four in my left hand and three in my right hand along with a plastic bag containing water bottle. And I walked in a hurry since my hands were killing me already and I bet my hair looked like a bird nest since the wind started to play a joke with me. Maybe that's the explaination why people were whsipering about me.

I kicked their practice room with my feet and shouted, "Guys, open up the door! Now!" And in a split second the door was open revealing my brother. "Wow, are you alone? Are those heavy?" He just asked while pointing his index finger to me. "Well yeah, maybe it will be less heavier if someone just take thing this out of my hands already."

He just realized it and took some of the bag from my hand. While I got inside I felt like my hands were as light as feather but I couldn't move it. And I saw my jer- I mean boyfriend sitting in the corner of the room in comfort with earphones plugged in both of his ear and he was sleeping.

I went towards him and poke his cheek, "Hey." Out of the blue he grabbed my arms and made me fell right beside him with head on his lap. "What are you doing? Are you dreami-" he covered my mouth with his hands.

Just when I was about to lick his hand, he suddenly said, "Don't you dare lick my beautiful hand." I grabbed his arms and tried to get out from his grip but he was too strong, "Just lay down for a while, I know you must be tired from bringing those stuff." He said with his eye still closed. I loosen the grip on his arms and slowly close my eyes. I'm quite curious though who could he know that since he had his eyes closed ever since I came in.

But then I heard some clicking sound and when I opened my eyes, N has his phone in his hand which was the source of the clicking sound and it was not just me who woke up because of it but also Hongbin.

"Hyung, what are you doing?" He asked.

"Omo omo, I have to take this photo and show it to my future son and daughter haha." He said while munching the food inside his mouth.

"Aiss, hyungg~" Hongbin said cutely but that just made N took more photos.

"Stop taking pictures." Someone behind N said. "Why can't I?" N asked to the person behind him. "Because you will not have any child." Someone chocked N from behind and it was Leo.

The Jerk Guy || (VIXX Hongbin)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt