Not Leaving You Behind (Jill)

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Trigger Waring: Emetophobia (the fear of vomit)

The large building of the police station loomed over you as the dark fog around you began to cease. An immediate groan left your lips as you knew this was going to be an awful trial. Raccoon City Police Station, R.P.D for short, was by far the most complex area the trials were held in. The place had so many different rooms with long and confusing hallways. The place might as well been a labyrinth due to how giant and complex it was.

You glanced around your area only to realize you spawned in alone. There was literally no one else around. Seriously? Why did you have to spawn in alone? Where was Jilll? This was quite unfortunate for you.

Jill was your best bet in terms of surviving and escaping this enormous place. From conversations you have had with her in the past, it sounded like she worked in this particular building. Surely she knew the ins and outs of this place.

You had small conversations with her by the fire moments before you were thrown into this trial. Adam and Nea were the other two teammates you had this trial. You could definitely rely on Adam to work on generators while Nea was definitely the better looper of everyone in the group. You could only pray this match would go well.

"Fabulous." You sighed as you slowly entered the lobby of this insane labyrinth.

You walked further inside the police station to see a generator ready to be worked on. It was a large open area and getting stalked would be fairly easy due to the openness of the area. You just had to pray the killer was not a stealth one. Maybe it was the new killer everyone was taking out.

From what you heard, this new killer was terrifying. It was insanely tall with the most frightening appearance. You also heard he was ranged, which you found quite irritating. The last thing you needed was another Huntress.

Perhaps you could avoid this generator for now. You climbed your away up the long set of the stairs. Where to even start? This dumb area felt extremely overwhelming. This was only your second time on this particular area, so you still did not know exactly where everything was. Curse the Entity for bringing in another Hawkins Laboratory.

You reached the top of the staircase to see a large hole in the wall to your left. There was another one on the other side of the area, but in all honesty you just were not sure where to even go at this point. Both areas looked creepy in a way.

"Psst! Y/N! Over here!" A female voice called out.

Your head whipped around toward the direction the voice. The voice did sound familiar, so it was probably Jill as you could instantly recognize Nea and Adam's voices.

Your eyes narrowed toward the broken wall which lead into a disgusting bathroom. Jill tilted her head slightly and you recognized her short brown hair. She must have spawned not too far away from you.

"There you are Jill." You smiled, feeling a wave of relief.

"Is that thing gone?" She asked with a serious tone.

"Was it here?" You asked.

"The terror radius must have been back behind me. I heard it a moment ago." She replied with weary eyes.

Poor thing. The horror of every single trial must be keeping her up at night. These new survivors were slowly learning these trails and starting to come to realization that there is nothing here but fear and death. You remember when you were a brand new survivor learning ropes on how to survive this twisted game. This was one of those things you were glad you could never experience again.

"Gotcha. I didn't hear anything." You responded as you slowly examined your surroundings.

"That's good. Let us finish this generator." The brunette smiled.

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