Walmart and Feelings. Wait, what?

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Briar's P.O.V 

"Good show, guys!" said Emmarosa as the band exited the stage. I high fived each of them, as always. This show had been in southern Maine, some place called Bernington. It was a fairly large city and while the crowd hadn't been their biggest, it had been the loudest of this tour so far. All the guys had large grins on their face. 

"You got a little soemthing here," teased AnnaMae, swiping her thumb across the faded marker beard that Matt hadn't quite been able to get off. He smirked at her before throwing her over his shoulder and running off. AnnaMae squealed, hitting Matt on the back. I laughed as he ran, then followed Zacky to the back room. 

We all plopped down on the musty couch, one of my arms around Zacky and one around Emmarosa. Jimmy ran over to us, leaping over the couch before tackling Emmie in a hug, pressing his lips against her's. Emmie's cheeks flared with red as she wrapped her arms around Jimmy's long neck. I scoffed, looking away. Emmarosa nudged my with her elbow. 

"You know, if your jealous, you could easily go find a guy," she sang, but I just rolled my eyes. 

"Oh, please," I said, glacing at Zacky. He seemed unfazed by what Emmarosa had said, as though it were indifferent to him. I couldn't help but feel a little dissappoined. Wait, what? Why am I dissappointed? I mean, Zacky's my best friend, but he doesn't effect whether I date. I need to figure this out. Then, I stood up and made my way to the bus.

+++ I lost my final fight to disease, I feel that this is where it ends, I need that shot to enter my vein, my Brompton Cocktail, please...

'Why does this bug me so much?' was all I could think. I called up the memory, my eyes closed as I replayed it in my head. I had glaced at Zacky, for reasons I don't even know. His face had been void of emotion, and my heart dropped in the slightest. The slightest. It had hardly even been there, but it definitely was. And it bugged me. A lot. 

I paced through the bus again, running a hand through my thick, dark red hair.  

"If you keep pacing, you'll wear a path," said Randi, not looking up from her magezine. I just rolled my eyes and kept going, racking my brain for answers. 

"Attention, fuckers!" Jimmy yelled as he entered the bus. "Brian, Matt, and I are going to Walmart! Briar, Randi, you're coming, too!" I grinned, remembering the last time I was in Walmart with Jimmy. 

"Alright, mate. I'll tag along," I said with a smirk, intent on taking Zacky off my mind for a while. 

Time to raise some hell. 

Randi sighed. 

"Well, I guess I better make sure you don't get arrested," she said, setting down her magezine and standing up. It was true. The last time I had been in Walmart, Jimmy and I had been band for getting into an egg fight. I don't know why they were so upset. We offered to pay for them. 

Anyway, soon the five of us were piled into J.B. Diz's Jeep, with me driving, against everyone's protests.  

"Dammit, Briar!" Brian exclaimed as I narrowly avoided a large truck. "Where the hell'd you learn to drive?!" I smirked. 

"In the Autrailian outback, with good ole' Aussie boys. Best teachers in the world," I said, quickly weaving in annd out of the traffic, going about 80 mph. Matt was sitting shotgun, gripping the bar on the door for dear life. Randi was in the middle back seat, probably cutting off all circulation to Brian's arm as he held on to the handle on the top of the door. Jimmy dramatically threw his arms around Randi. 

"We're gonna die!" he cried. "Bye, Randi! I'll miss you!"  I rolled my eyes. Well, did they expect me to actually follow the road rules in America? Clearly they'd never been to Australia. When, they take a visit, then they can critisize my driving.  

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