Help, Drinking, and a Man in Love

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      As I quickly walked away from Zacky's bunk, I saw Emmarosa and Jimmy wrapped in each other's arms and their lips pressed together, standing in the entrance of the bunks. Perfect.

     "I need you," I said, grabbing Emmie and pulling her with me as I walked around them. Poor Jimmy was kissing air. He looked after us as Emmie shrugged.

     "Cock block!" he yelled after me.

     "None of us wanna have to listen to that anyways, mate!" I called back. I led to Emmarosa to the living room, which, luckily, had been abondoned. We sat down on the couch.

     "Ok, what's up?" asked Emmie. "I don't think I've ever seen you ask for help before, so it must be big." I sighed.

     "I'm...conflicted," I said slowly, choosing my words carefully. She nodded.


     "Zacky." Her blue eyes widened.

     "Zacky? You," she trailed off, but I knew what she was implying. I shrugged.

     "I don't know anymore," I claimed tiredly. "I mean, he's me best mate. But, today, I've been having these..feelings. And they are not feelings someone has for their best mate. Also, just now, I almost kissed him! While he was asleep! That's basically rape!" I fell back onto the couch, hands over my face. "What the fuck's wrong with me?" Emmie put a hand on my knee.

     "Nothing's wrong with you," she said softly. "Your feelings for Zacky are just growing, and you're confused. Also, you keep your emotions so bottled up, it makes sense for them to get the best of you sometimes." I looked at her through my fingers for a moment before sitting up.

     "But what do I do?" I asked. "I mean, if I am starting to feel that way about Zacky, then I can't just tell him. That'd ruin our friendship. But I can't keep having 'incidents' like tonight." I looked at Emmie for answers. She rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly.

     "Well, I'm not really sure," she said cautiously, as though she were telling Brian she'd snapped his guitar in half. "You see, Jimmy and I were never friends. It was always something more. I've never really been in your situation before, so I don't know what you should do." I groaned, flopping back onto the couch.

     "Then you're no help to me," I moaned. I heard her sigh.

     "Well, I can tell you this," she said. "If you do make a move, make sure of your feelings first." I thought about, then nodded, standing up and walking to the kitchen.

     "Where're you going?" I heard Emmie ask.

     "The kitchen, so I can get fuckin' smashed and forget my problems."

___ I don't belong here, I gotta move on, dear, ecscape from this afterlife, 'cause this time I'm right, to move on and on, far away from here...

    Zacky's P.O.V.

     I woke up feeling refreshed, which, believe me, didn't happen often. As I opened my eyes, I smiled, remembering my dream from last night. I had been lying with Briar, somewhere, I don't know. She reached out and stroked my cheek, lightly kissing it before snuggling up against me and falling asleep.

     Now, I know what your thinking.

     Zacky! I thought you and Briar were best friends! Well, we are. At least, we are to Briar. Yes, I have feelings for her; and by feelings I mean everytime I see her, my heart races and everytime she touches me, my skin burns. Yeah, I know, cheesy and cliché, but hey, it's true. So fuck off.

One F*cked Up Piece of Heaven (Avenged Sevenfold/Vengeance)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon