Party Time and...Jealousy?

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    Everything was set and ready for Jimmy's party tonight, which included cake, presents, and a lot of booze. Jimmy had been literall jumping around all day, begging for some early cake or a present to open. No one complied, for they knew that I would murder them.
     "Please, please, pleeeeaaassee?" Jimmy whined, on his knees in front of me. I rolled my eyes and continued to hang the streamer in my hand.
     "Not only no, but hell no, Jimmy," I said, not even glancing at him. "You'll just have to be patient."
     "This coming from, like, the most impatient person in the universe!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms up. I tore of another piece of duct tape. "Come on. Just one little gift? Plea- mmmph!" I cut him off by slapping the strip of duct tape over his mouth, making him jump back in surprise. He glared at me before running of to do whatever muted Jimmys do.
     "This will be the best, most sexual party ever," said Brian, handing me the scissors. I grinned and nodded.
     "It better be. That crazy mother fucker deserves it," I said, swiftly cutting the streamer and twirling the scissors in my hand.
     "You know he's gonna be the best man at Matt's wedding, right?" he commented, and I nodded.
     "I think we all knew that." We went back to work, making the bus look awesome. The other guys and girls were all either hiding things from Slim Jim, or decorating the outside of the bus. Brian strung up the lights as he looked over to me.
     "Hey, Bri? Can I ask you something?" he asked hesitantly. I grinned at him.
    "'Course, Brian," I relied, walking over to him. "What's eating you?" He seemed to hesitate before answering.
     "It's Randi..." I motioned for him to elaborate. He sighed. "I feel like, between shows and tour and groupies throwing themselves at me and the others, that we're not as...close as we usually are." I nodded thoughfully.
     "Yeah, I've noticed the lack of sexual noises going on," I smirked, then became serious. "But seriously. I know for a fact that you two are head over bloody heels for each other, but if you feel you're getting pushed apart; one, you need to talk to Randi about it, and two, maybe you two should take a day. You know, go out, see a movie, have dinner, rent a hotel room and do what you two do best, the works. You just need to re-strengthen your bond with her." He just stared, soaking in the information. Then, he gave one of those infamous smirks.
     "You're right," he said, smiling.
     "When am I not?" I retorted before hugging him. He hugged back, kissing the top of my head. We pulled away, me keeping a hand on his shoulder. "Now go get her." He nodded and ran off. I looked out the window to see him quickly scoop Randi into his arms, pressing his lips against hers as he spun them. I smiled. Mission accomplished.

@@@@ "I tried." She said as she walked away, tried not to lose you, to vibrant hearts could change...

     "Come on! Please? Pleeeeaaassee?" Jimmy whined as I made my way to the bar. His party was in full swing by now. It was at a local bar, ironically named 'Jimbo's Saloon', where we had parked the bus outside for the after party.
     "As the birthday boy, I demand it of you, pesant!" he exclaimed as I rubbed my temples. I finally pushed my way through the crowd.
     "One Jack and coke," I told the bartender. I leaned against the counter, sighing as Jimmy's begging finally gave me a migrane.
     "For fuck's sake! Fine! Go round up the guys, girls, and roadies, and we'll go open your damn presents!" I exclaimed. He jumped and hugged me before running off without another word. I huffed, grabbing my drink from the bartender and downing in quickly. He seemed to be expecting this, because he took from me again to refill it. He brought it back, a little more Jack than coke this time.
     "Drinking away your sorrows already?" I heard a familiar voice. I turned to see Randi as she sat down beside me. I smirked.
     "Nah, drinking away the headache her fiancé gave me," I jabbed a thumb towards Emmie, who was on the other side of the room.
     "Nice party."
     "Yeah. I'm suprised you and Brian haven't...dissappeared by now." She gasped, a hand to her chest as she mocked being offended.
     "How could you assume such a thing?" she exclaimed. I shrugged.
     "You know it." My eyes began to wander around, finally landing on Zacky. He was sitting with the guys and the Berrys as Matt tried to fend off Jimmy, torturing him so that he couldn't open presents yet. However, a girl had just walked up to Zack, leaning over his shoulder and whispering in his ear. He scooted away, his hands up in defense, but she kept coming.
     I felt my anger rise, espescially at the fact that the slut's boobs were practically falling out of her shirt and right in Zack's face, and that half her ass was showing from her skirt. I knew he wouldn't try anything, but that whore was getting too close...
     "Someone's getting jealous," said Randi with a smug grin. "If you glare any harder, you'll light her fake boobs on fire."
     "I don't know what you're talking about," I said through gritted teeth. I turned to face the bar again.
     "Sure," she said. "Damn, Briar! You cracked your glass!" I looked down and, sure enough, I had been gripping the thick glass too hard to where it actually cracked. I shrugged, gulped the rest of my drink, and slammed the glass to the bar.
     "I'm going for a smoke," I mumbled, then made my way outside. I breathed in the cool night air for a long moment, reaching for my cigs, only to find that I left them in the bus.
    "Need a smoke?" I turned to see Zacky standing there, a cigarette already between his teeth, eyebrows raised at me. I rolled my eyes, snatching the cig from his mouth. He chuckled as I pulled out my custom Zippo lighter with a skull on the front, sticking the cig in my mouth and lighting it. I inhaled a bit of smoke, pulling it into my lungs as I heavily breathed out. I watched the large puff of smoke slowly drift off before taking another drag.
     "So..." said Zacky, lighting his out smoke. "...saw you storm out. Were you jealous of the slut that was flirting with me?" I stiffened my shoulders a bit.
     "I have no clue what your talking about," I insisted, not looking at him. I could practically hear him grinning.
     "Really?" he said, before taking another drag. "Well then, maybe we should go look for her. She was fun to talk to..." My fists clenched tighter by my sides. "Come on, Bri. You don't have to act all tough around me." I glared off into space a bit more before sighing.
     "I'm not the jealous type, Zack," I said. "But when I do get jealous, I feel...manipulated. Its such a stupid feeling and it makes me feel...well, petty." I felt his arms wrap around my waist from behind.
     "Hey," Zacky whispered. "Don't let stuff like that get to you. You're strong enough to brush it off. And how do you think I feel when all those manwhores flirt with you?" I smirked, knowing he was right. "Hey, can you still blow smoke into a ring?" I bit my lip before taking a big drag from my cigarette, puffing the smoke out into a large ring in the air. He chuckled. "You were always good at that."
     "Still am," I replied, keeping the cig between two fingers and placing it back to my lips. He hugged me tighter from behind, both of us simply enjoying the other's company. That is, until Slim Jim came running up to us, all of the others in tow.
     "I got 'em!" he exclaimed to me, motioning to them. "Present time, mother fuckers!" He ran off to the bus, leaving all of us to follow. I rolled my eyes before compying.

^^^^ Two in my heart have left me a while, I stand alone, when they get back, it won't be the same, it won't be the same...

     Jimmy had scored pretty well this year, including a couple of sets of gadges and a new labret from Matt and AnnaMae, some new leather jackets, stage ties, and other clothes from Randi, Brian, and Johnny, bar money from Zacky, of course, and some new dog tags from Emmie. Last but not least came my presents.
     "This is from me and Zack," I said, handing him the larger present. He smiled at us before ripping open the package without a second thought. The paper was quickly stripped and the box torn open. We watched as Jimmy's eyes slowly widened and his jaw dropped. He looked up to me.
     "You serious?" I smiled and nodded. He slowly lifted the gift out of the box as if it would shatter if he touched it. Holding it up, he revealed a Metallica shirt with the signatures of the whole band. "How did you guys get this?" he whispered in awe.
     "Bri pulled some strings," said Zacky, kissing my temple.
     "Dude, that's sick," said Matt, impressed. The others nodded in agreement. Jimmy smiled hugely at me before picking me up and spinning me around.
     "Holy fuck, thank you, Briar," he said, looking at me. "You are the best friend ever!" I just smirked and laughed at his antics.
     "You got one more, mate," I said as Jimmy put the shirt gentley aside. I handed him the long, slender package, and he once again tore into it.
     "Damn! It's my worst enemy! Tape!" he exclaimed as he failed to get the box open, biting it in frustration. I pulled out my switchblade from my pocket, swiftly slicing off the tape.
     "Rule number nine: never go anywhere without a knife (its an NCIS thing ;)," I commented, twirling the knife a bit before putting it back. Jimmy shook his head, murming something about me being terrifying before hurridly opening the box. He looked for a minute before looking at me.
     "Where did you get these?" he asked curiously.
     "I didn't," I replied. "Carved 'em myself." Jimmy smiled before taking out of the box a pair of drum sticks, decorated with a skull carving that looked as though it were on fire. Barbed wire wove around the sticks as Jimmy ran his fingers over the carvings. (picture in the little media thingy)
     "You carved those?" asked Brian. "Like by hand?" I nodded, rather proud of how they turned out.
     "That's so epic," said Emmie, staring wide eyed over Jimmy's shoulder.
     "Thought you might enjoy playing with those," I told him, and he looked at me as though I were insane.
     "You kidding?" he said. "I'm gonna put these in, like, a bullet proof case or something. I'm not letting these get messed up." He hugged me again. "Thank you, Briar, thats so cool." I grinned.
     "Glad you like 'em. Anything for my best friend."

God, finally, right? sorry it took so long. as some of you may know, my uncle's been sick, in a coma and all, so ive just been dealing with a lot. thank you for being patient and please don't hate me! hope you like the chapter and ENJOY!!! :)

Vote, comment, follow if you haven't, and thanks for reading and for all the support! LUV U ALL <333

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