Plan Put in Motion

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Almost a week had past since Jimmy's party and since my plan had been put into action. Everything on tour had gone smoothly these last few days; no sound tech mishaps, and no problems at merch or anything. And with Valentine's Day coming up, the time for my plan grew nearer.

Ever since I had made the plan, I had been paying more attention to the Berrys, and noticed a few things I wouldn't normally. I now noticed how their faces fell just a little whenever they saw any of the couples, including myself and Zacky. Hopefully, that would change soon. Today was V-day, and I had text Bee earlier and confirmed that she would meet everyone at the bar around noon. Unfortunately, Amy wouldn't be getting into Richmond until later this afternoon, so we'd just have to surprise Matt B. later.

Now on our way to the bar, after dragging Jason and Matt from their bunks, I couldn't help but get excited. I looked at Zacky as he squeazed my hand.

"Tone down the smile. You look like the Cheshire Cat over there," he teased. I scoffed and shook my head. "Nervous?'

"Excited," I corrected. "They're gonna flip when they see the girls."

"In my opinion, girls shouldn't have to have been separated from their boyfriends to flip out when they see them," Zacky commented, smirking at me. I glanced at him.

"In other words, I should act like a fucking fan girl whenever you walk in the room?" He nodded. "Huh. Why not hire some trumpets to annonce your arrival as well. Maybe some white horses pulling a royal chariet."

"Horses would be a nice touch," Zacky shot back with a smug grin. I rolled my eyes for the millionth time.

"As you command, Lord Vengeance," I claimed with a fake bow. Zacky puffed out his chest, and I back sat up to slap the back off his head. He jumped, then touched his head gently and pouted at me.

"I thought being your boyfriend would get me passage from that," he complained, and I shook my head.

"Nothing gets you passage from my voilence," I stated as he turned away from me, arms crossed. I bit my lip before crawling over to him. "Hey."

"No. I'm mad at you." I frowned.

"Hey." No response. "Zacky?" Still nothing. "Zaaaacky?" I twisted my head over his shoulder so that I was looking at him upside down."Lord Veeengeeeaance?" He was starting to smile a bit, but was trying not to. "Zacky!" Finally, he started to smile.

I turned his face to mine, which was still upside down, before lightly kissing him. His grin widened, pressing harder into the kiss. I pulled back reluctantly, smirking at him.

"Still mad?" I placed my chin on his shoulder. Zacky rolled his beautiful green eyes.

"How can I be? You're just so damn kissable."

"Bloody oath." Zacky started laughing, and I narrowed my eyes at him. "What's so funny?" He just chuckled and shook his head.

"Nothing," he said. "I just love having an Australian girlfriend." I smacked him in the chest, wrapping my arms around his neck from behind. When we finally pulled up to the bar, we all piled out of the bus and into the cool Virginia air. I stopped, winking at Zacky when he shot me a questioning look. He nodded and smiled. No one else noticed my absence.

I slipped around back, spotting a midnight blue mustang on my way and smirked. Stepping out of the car was the yellow haired Bumblebee.

"Pheobe Sage, get your skinny ass over here!" I yelled, and she turned to me with a grin. She ran to me, throwing her arms around my neck.

"Briar, Briar, Briar!" Bee squealed. "My little concubine has returned!" I laughed, peeling her tanned arms off of me. She had done her hair up in a spikey bun, along with having gotten a new upper lip piercing; a black stud instead of the usual silver. She wore a pretty little dress, bright red, tight, and to mid-thigh. "Okay, enough hugging you. Where's Jay?"

"Chill out, Bee," I chuckled as the girl bounced in her studded stilettos. "Jason's inside with the guys. Now come on and we'll surprise them." We started walking towards the front again.

"Wait!" Bee suddenly yelled, holding her manicured hand in the air and bringing me to a stand still. She quickly turned to a near by car, quickly fixing her lipstick in the reflection of the window. Bee spun back around on her heels with a goofy grin and I rolled my eyes. Finally, we made our way inside with Bee walking behind me, slightly hunched over so she was slightly hidden.

The smell of alcohol and smoke hit us like an old friend as we walked through the front door. Slowly, we made out way over to where Jason was sitting at the counter, all the guys messing around behind him. As we got closer, a lot of questioning looks were sent our way, but when they saw Bee behind me, they all began to understand. I motioned Bee to stop and I went and sat down beside Jason.

"You look a little down, ya?" I told him. He looked at me and smiled. "What's gotcha hooked, mate?" Jason sighed.

"Just missing my Bumblebee," he said and my smirk widened.

"I thought so," I commented. He looked at me, a little confused. "Well, if you miss her so much, why don't you turn around?" His confused expression went to a 'what the fuck' look, but he still complied and turned around. His eyes barley had time to widen before a blur of yellow shot past us and latched itself onto Jason.

"Pheobe!" he exclaimed, hugging her close. She squealed as he stood and spin them, giggling.

"I missed you so much, Jay!" she squeaked, wrapping her legs around his waist and refusing to let go. Jason pulled back a bit to kiss her lovingly and quickly. I glanced at the girls, who were all cooing and aweing over them.

"I missed you, too, Bumblebee," he replied, burying his face into her neck. "More than you know. What are you doing here?" She smiled brightly.

"Briar called. Wanted to fly me down for Valentines Day, so, here I am!" Jason turned to me, and I have him a smug look.

"Thank you, Bri," he said, giving me a friendly hug. After he pulled away, he turned back to Bee, grabbing her hands. "Pheobe, I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Jason," she smiled, tears glittering. However, what happened next, I don't think any of us were expecting, not even Jason. Quickly, he dipped down onto one knee.

"Will you marry me?" he asked, and we all froze. Bee's mouth fell open, the tears finally breaking free. "I know it's kind of spur of the moment, and I didn't exactly plan this, but after three years, I know this is what I want. I love you more than my own life, and that's what love is all about. So, Pheobe Prince Sage, would you be my wife?"


Dun fun DUUUUUUUHHHH!!! Hee hee. Cliffs ^_^

So, after god knows how long, an update. And a shitty update, at that. I'm really sorry guys. You sexy people deserve more, and I'm not delivering. I swear I'll try harder, though. I hope you enjoy this anyways :)


~ LooneyLunaVengeance

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