Weddings? Awesome! Let's Get Fucked!

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 Five weeks had passed since I had last seen Zacky. 

And honestly, I was still a wreck.

I hadn’t yet become accustom to life with out him being there; I’d still come home from work at the bar, expecting to see those mischievous green eyes , or start making his favorite salami and ham sandwich. Then, I would stop and mentally kick myself for thinking of him

As AnnaMae and Matt’s wedding grew closer, followed by Emmarosa and Jimmy’s, then Bee and Jason’s, I couldn’t help but resent the day I would have to face him; I guess I’d have to cross that bridge when I got to it, cause right now, I had something almost just as bad to worry about.

Dress shopping.

Bee had waited until the last minute to pick the bridesmaids dresses, and me, as the maid of honor, I kind of had to be there. Kill me now...

“What about this one?” Randi asked, holding up a red satin dress, entirely too short. I glared daggers.

“I’m not wearing a dress,” I growled, causing her to sigh for the umpteenth time. 

“Briar, this is a wedding. You wear dresses,” she spoke slowly. I made a face and Randi seemed to give up, walking off to help Bee with the color book. I glanced up to see Emmie looking at me, before slowly lying down the dress in her hand and making her way toward me. It was silent for a moment.

“You can’t keep living like this.” My brows furrowed. 

“Living like what?”

“Like this!” Emmie exclaimed. “This lifestyle without Zacky is making you waste away, Briar! You barely eat, you probably can’t even remember the last time you slept; you’re a wreck! And Zacky isn’t much better!” I cringed every time she said his name. “You’re killing yourself! I understand that Zacky messed up, but it’s almost like you literally can’t live without each other!”

“So what?!” I exploded. “I should just forgive him for betraying my trust, crushing my heart, and giving up everything he had with me for one drunken night of fun?!” 

“Well, maybe that wouldn’t be a bad place to start!” Emmie yelled back. I was taken back at this. We were quiet for a moment, Emmie staring hard into my cold eyes.

“When I lost my mum, all I could think about was how Dad would make everything ok,” I whispered, almost to myself. “How no matter what, I still had a father and how we would make it through together. I placed all the trust I possessed into him before he even got back to what was left of our ashen home. And then for him hate me and beat me like he did...yelling how worthless I it was my fault...” I angrily wiped tears from my cheeks with my hand. “That was how Zacky was to me. I thought that surely, he wouldn’t let me down like my father did. And now...” Emmie frowned.

“I know, Briar, but what happened with Zack was not only an accident, but he’s sees his mistake and wants you back,” she said softly. “Just talk to him.” 

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