Hangovers and More Drinking...Among Other Things

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     Briar's P.O.V
     I peeked my eyes open, my head pounding behind my eyes. I groaned, my hangover in full swing. Slowly looking around, I saw that I was in Zacky's bunk, still in my jeans from yesterday
     "I need some fucking Advil," I murmured to myself as I swung my legs out from the bunk and onto the floor. My strong accent sounded groggy and slurred from sleep. I yanked back the curtain, revealing others like it across the narrow hall. I squinted in the light, throwing myself onto my feet. I dragged myself to the kitchen, digging through the cabinet and dry swallowing two Advil.
     "Well, good morning," said a voice, and I spun to see AnnaMae standing behind me, a small lemonade beer in hand. I groaned just looking at any form of achohol.
     "How can you be drinking this early in the morning?" I demanded. Johnny walked in behind her, heading for the fridge.
     "Briar, it's almost nine at night," he said and my eyes grew. Damn, I slept the whole bloody day. Though I understand why. I remember trying, and failing, to drink away my problems. Then talking with Zacky, sleeping, and now, one hell of a hangover. That's about it.
     "Baka," AnnaMae murmured with a smirk. I glared at her teasingly for calling me an idiot.
     "I can speak Japanese, ya bitch," I said, nudging her playfully. She smiled again.
     "I know." I scoffed.
     "So, where's Zacky?" I asked, taking a bottle of water from around Johnny. I unscrewed the lid, taking a long drink.
     "Accourding to Brian, he went out. Probably to a bar," he replied. I felt the corners of mouth rise.
     "Well," I said. "I guess I'll go join him." Both of them turned to stare at me.
     "You're still getting over a hangover and you already want to go drinking again?" asked AnnaMae.
     "I said I would go join him," I corrected. "I didn't say a bloody thing about drinking." Johnny scoffed and AnnaMae rolled her eyes as I spun on my heels and exciting the bus.
     "Everyone but Jimmy and Emmarosa are going out to dinner, so if you need anything, call them!" the Asian yelled after me. I stepped down the stairs and out the door, into the fridgid night air. I cursed, pulling my oversized Pantera jacket tighter around me.
     I wandered down the street, looking around and considering which clubs and bars Zacky would've chosen. I spotted a particularly large bar titled 'Bobby's Bar and Club'. It was fairly large and pretty crowded, so chances are no one would recignize Zacky. Perfect. It's exactly the place he would aim for.
     A few steps later, I spotted Zacky stumble out of the bar, and I smirked to myself. Boy, did I know my best mate. I quickly walked up to him as he grabbed onto a light post to keep from falling over.
     "Zacky!" I said, grabbing his arm. He turned to me, a little startled, but grinned when he saw it was me.
    "He-hey, Briiiiar," he slurred. "You're just the one I-I wanted to see." He placed his hands on my shoudlers, tripping a bit. "I missed soooo much." Damn, was he drunk. I don't think he's been this out of it in months.
     "I missed you, too, mate," I replied softly. "Now let's get you back to the bus." But before I could grab him, he crushed me aginst his chest, squeezing me tight.
     "No," he whined. "There's something-something I gotta tell ya." He hiccuped, chuckling a bit to where I could smell the Jack on his breath. Hm, Jack. That sounds good right now...No! Focus, Briar! Zacky first, JD second.
     I pried Zacky off of me, taking his arm and draping it over my shoulders. He was too out of it to protest. Supporting him, I half carried, half dragged him all the way back to the bus, pleading with him to try to walk. However, in his drunken state, I may as well have been arguing with a pole. Or Jimmy.
     As I struggled, I started to think. Zacky was alone at a bar. That almost never happens. Which means something's wrong. Huh. This thinking stuff is easier than I thought! Finally, I reached the steps of the bus, barley being able to open the door.
     "Emmie! Jimmy!" I called loudly. I heard russelling in the back towards the bunks.
     "Maybe if we're quiet she'll go away?" I head Emmarosa suggest quietly. I scowled.
     "I can hear you, you pair of gits!" I shouted angrily. "Now, stop sucking face and making babies for five minutes, and help me get Zacky to his bunk! He's bloody heavy, you fuckers!" Soon, they complied.
     "Am I ever gonna be able to have sex with my fiancé while you're here?" Jimmy complained, making Emmarosa blush crimson. I rolled my eyes as he and I grabbed the now-unconscious Zacky under the arms, Emmie grabbing his legs. We heaved the guitarist into his bunk just as everyone else arrived.
     "We're back!" AnnaMae called softly. I paused to think. 'Who does Zacky tell everything to?' I saw Brian enter, an arm around Randi, and smirked. I made a beeline for him, grabbing his arm and yanking him right back off the bus.
     "I need him for a moment," I called to the others without turning back to them. I turned to Brian and the door of the bus shut.
    "Alright, Gates, spill," I demanded. "Why's Zacky so upset that he went to a bar alone and got so drunk, that if I hadn't caught him, he'd probably be in a ditch?" Brian looked around for a moment, as if planning an escape route. I could practically see the wheels turning in his head, tring to make a dicision. I grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him down to make contact.
     "You wanna have kids, Hanar?" I growled in his face. He nodded slowly. "Then I suggest you tell me what's wrong with me best mate." Brian's chocolate eyes widened.
     "I can't tell you a lot, ok?" he said. "I promised and shit. But what can tell you.." he leaned in closer. "...Zacky likes someone. A lot."
     Shit. Holy shit shit shitty shit shit. My heart just dropped like a lead weight in a swimming pool. Zacky liked someone? Well...fuck. So much for my supposed 'feelings'. Now, I just feel like a part of me just died and went to in burn in hell after being stomped on by everyone I've ever cared about.
    "Briar? Hellooo, anyone home?" said Brian, waving a hand in front of my face. I blinked a few times, having had zoned out for quite a while by the time he got me back down to earth.
    "Oh," was all the magnificent Briar could come up with as I spun on my heels and stalked heatedly back onto the bus. All eyes were on me as I excited through the back door, quickly climbing the ladder on the side of the bus to the top. I laid down on my back, staring up at what stars I could see.
     "Zacky likes someone," I said aloud to myself. It souned empty and hollow in words. Zacky likes someone. It echoed in my head. He likes someone. He likes someone. And that someone isn't me.
     But who could it be? Is it somebody he met here, in Boston? It would have to be. 90% of the girls he hangs around are girlfriend/engaged to one of his best friends! Wait...what if it is one of the girls! Would he really do that to the guys though? Ugh, my head is spinning. I really shouldn't think this hard.
     Well, I suppose he is me best mate. So...if he's found someone he cares about, I should be happy for him. He'll need suport, and I'll be there to give it to him, despite what I feel; no matter how much it hurts.
     I sighed. Useless thoughts, useless theories. That's all that was in my head. Maybe I shouldn't be racking my brian for answers. But what else could I do? Listen to my heart? News flash, you dumb fucks; hearts don't talk.
     I turned my head, pressing my ear to the roof of the bus. The bunks were right below me, as I heard russelling around in them. Judging from where I was, it was most likely Johnny, the bunk right above Zacky's.
     Facing up again, I closed my eyes, in a desprate attempt to block out the world around me. I soon drifted off to sleep with one final thought.

     Fuck my life.

==== I've had enough, it's time for something real, don't respect the words you're speaking, gone too far, a clone....

     I woke up an hour or so later, the sky still dark. I stretched, yawning, and I crouched to my feet and stood. I took a deep breath, enjoying the clean air, before making my way to the ladder and climbing down.
     I hopped in the shower, washing myself throughly before jumping out again. I dried myself, throwing on a pair of huge basketball shorts and an oversized Vengeance Univeristy shirt I'd stolen from Zacky. I removed my eyebrow, nose, and lip piercings, and put in my green snake bite studs. Throwing my wet hair into a messy bun, I applied a little eyeliner before exiting the small bathroom.
     If I was right, which I usually was, Zacky would be waking up soon with one hell of a headache, so I went straight to the kitchen, grabbing Advil and bottle of water. I walked through the hall of curtains, stopping at the first one on the bottom left. I crouched down under the curtain, peaking into the bunk with nothing but my eyes up showing. I stared at Zacky in a dark, demonic way, wide eyed, trying to appear creepy.
     He groaned, rolling over to face me, a hand to his head. He cracked his eyes open, looking right at me. He froze for a moment, neither of us moving.
     "That's the scariest fucking thing I've ever seen in my life," he mumbled in a groggy voice. We both started laughing quietly as I crawled onto the bed. "You scared the shit out of me, Bri." He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me next to him. My heart started beating so quickly that I was scared he would hear it.
     "Oi. I come bearing gifts," I said, holding out the Advil and the water. He jumped at the sight of them.
     "You are a saint," he moaned, downing the two pills to rid of his hangover. I laughed at him, causing him to elbow my ribs lightly.
     "So..." I said. "Accourding to an unknown source, me best mate's gotta crush." Zacky choked on  his water and turned to me with wide eyes.
   "Brian told you?" he yelled in shock. I smirked.
   "Well, he wouldn't tell me who," I said, and he relaxed a bit. "But I'll eventually find out." I scooted around to face Zacky, by legs criss crossed. "So, tell me about her." I smiled, happy my friend had found somebody, but a part of me was screaming 'Tell me who the bitch is so I can kick her ass!' Zack smiled.
     "Well, she's beautiful, to start," he said, lost in his own little world. "But she's got the personality to match. She's one of those snarky girls with a temper, but she's smart and funny and...fucking perfect." Yep. There goes my heart. If you couldn't hear it, it just dropped from my chest and exploded. I sighed and put on a soft grin.
     "Wow. She sounds...great," I said in defeat. Damn, Zacky really cared about Miss Mystery Girl. I can't kick her ass. But, I can give my friend some good advice. "Well, whoever she is, I think you should tell her how you feel." But Zacky shook his head.
     "Nah," he said. "I don't think she likes me that way." I stared at him. Oh, hell no. He was not just gonna give up, even if I did wanna destroy this girl with my bare hands.
     "Well, you never know until you try," I told him firmly. "Zacky, you can't just give up before you've even begun. And if this girl is everything you say she is-"
     "She is," he intterupted.
     "Then someone else will snatch her up unless you make a move!" I said, smacking his arm. "And who knows. She probably does like you back."
     "Your right," Zacky said softly. "I will tell her." I smiled through the hurt in my chest.
     "Good," I said tiredly. "Now, tell me who it is!" I insisted, shaking Zack's shoulders. He chuckled and took my hands in his, suddenly becoming very serious.
     "Here," he said. "I'll give you hint." He took my face, cupping it with both hands, and stared into my eyes. When our eyes connected, I finally understood. I knew who this girl was.
      And, fuck, did I feel like an idiot.
     "Oh," I whispered, leaning a little closer. His green eyes were so entrancing, something I now see in a totally different way than how I saw them a week ago.
     "Did that hint help?" he teased, doing the same, bringing me nearer, on painful inch at a time.
     "Maybe a little. Though, I might need another." Closer...
     "Your getting warmer," said Zacky, our foreheads touching, our lips centimeters apart. Fuck, I wanted to kiss him so badly.
     You know what, forget this romantic shit.
"Screw this," I mumbled, before I grabbed Zacky by the front of his shirt and smashing our lips together.
     My mind went blank, the world around me melting away as Zacky snaked his arms around my waist, kissing me back. Shivers shot down my spine, our lips moving in perfect sync with each other. My hands moved to his hair, running my fingers through his shaggy black locks. He did the same, running a hand through my still-wet hair, making it fall from it's bun.
I felt his tongue swipe across my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I accepted his plea, allowing his tongue to slide in between my lips, making me moan. We began a battle for dominance, which Zacky eventually won, massaging my mouth with his heavenly tongue. My legs wrapped around Zacky's waist and soon, I found my back against the wall, our bodies pressed together. I toyed with his snake bites with my tongue, making him grunt into my mouth.
     I loved how soft his lips were, his mouth tasting like Jack, smoke, and for some reason, vanilla. Damn, it was like a drug. Our lips molded perfectly together as the heated kiss slowed, my arms moving down to his shoulders. Zacky pulled back first, breathing hard, our foreheads still pressed together. He gazed at me with a type of affection I'd never seen in him. Here I am, in basketball shorts, barley any make up, and an oversized t-shirt and Zacky's looking at me like I'm the most beautiful girl in the world.
     "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," he breathed, and I chuckled, pressing my lips to his softly once again.
     "Best mates, eh?" I teased, making him laugh, our noses brushing together
     "Well, I guess now's as good a time as ever," he said. "Briar, would you be my girlfriend?" I smirked.
     "Hmm, let me think..." I trailed off, before shoving my mouth roughly against his, not being able to get enough of his kisses. I melted against him as his spred out hand traveled up my back, hitting every sweet spot.
     "Stay with me tonight?" he asked against my lips. I nodded. We broke the kiss, lying down together under the covers, Zacky wrapping his tattooed arms around my and pulling me close, my head resting on his chest. He kissed the top of my head before I felt my eyes drift closed, feeling like I was on top of the world. A lazy smile appeared in my face as I had one final thought before falling asleep again.
     I'm dating my best friend.
     I'm dating Zacky fucking Vengeance.

Whoo...damn. that was fun to write. and sexual. THEYRE FINALLY TOGETHER!!! yayzees! chater six and ive surpassed 100 reads! Fuck yeah! thank you all so much for the love nd comments! hope you liked the chapter, it is kinda long sooo...

IMPORTANTNESS! the contest i had is OVER (not that anyone actually tried ;) and the winner is..............vknight0666!!! congrats! amy, you get your own character, even though you already know that sice we've been messaging and...yeah. HOWEVER, if anyone else wants to send in the list of song titles, I STILL NEED MORE CHARACTERS!!! bye! Be sure to vote and comment and fan <3

       -LooneyLunaVengeance (I decided to start signing off :)

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