nine: what is happening to me?

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warning this chapter has got scenes such as a panic attack, trigger memories flashback, sex abuse, rape, drugs!

"wait a damn minute, so you're telling me now, right before you fly off to California, that I'm going to live with some friend and his dudes? what the fuck?" I looked at her in disbelieve, like I feel fucking betrayed rn 

"Miyeon it's not like I haven't told you that before" she scoffed "I kept telling you this since you met Kevin, but you were so busy hanging out with your crush Eric and him that you haven't paid attention to me" 

"oh wait- so that that San... uh Sanjeon? dude and his friend were doing to move in today?" 

"it's Sangyeon and yea, just so you know, they already know you're the boss there so no need to torture them and boss around, just be respectful cuz they're older than you" she laughed

"How old?" 

"Sangyeon is same 96' liner while Hyunjae is a year younger than him"

"well Jacob's the same age as that Hyunjae dude so I guess I'll pass being nice- OUCH?" I hold my head as she smacked it "jeez okay I'll be formal, god I hate you"  

"better hurry home, our flight is starting off in 5 minutes" Mark then laughed as he came back from the bathroom in rush "let's go, babe" 

"bye Miyeon, remember what we talked about!" she took her things before walking away

"be safe! love you" I waved my hand as I looked at the time "shoot I need to change I'm still in these ugly ass sweatpants, I can't just meet Jac- I mean I can't just meet these 3 idiots looking like this" I rushed out and called a taxi before getting back to my home, which wasn't that far from the airport 

After I changed my clothes and fixed my hair, I decided to post something on my Instagram, honestly, I felt like going all white with the fit, and I looked fine asf so why not. After I did it, I looked at the time and got a notification from Kevin, they were waiting at the main door. Great I'm late- wait no, it's only 8:25 PM, we were supposed to meet at 9 PM, this mf is too fast

Walking by the foot, since the mall was like 3 buildings away, I wanted to call Sujin just to kill time but realized the flight might take about 10 hours or so, I guess no more excuses for being preached by some strange man before being kidnapped 


"SHIT NO RUN" I was startled by the sudden touch on the shoulder and male voice, so I decided to make a run for life, not giving fucks abt anyone

" dropped your wallet," he said to himself while I was way too far to hear him mumble that under his nose. Opening it he saw the ID and other things with a name on it "Choi Miyeon... she's 23?" he chuckled as he looked at the photo "but she's pretty" 

putting it in his pocket he then saw a note falling out of her wallet, taking it up he noticed it said 'don't forget, be at the mall at 4 PM!' 

"if that's about today then I can still give it away to her" he smiled as he walked towards the mall


"oh Miye- wait hold up why are you so out of breath?" he laughed "did you run from a serial killer or what?"

"yea...  I run here all the- fucking way from my house" I said as breathed deeply making him stare at me

"you're not joking?" he asked worriedly 

"why tf would I run here then? You know I barely walk to your place, and we're here talking about running" 

just friends 🚫 lee juyeon | of TBZ | ✅Where stories live. Discover now