fourteen: plan

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after finally getting off from the bed from an hour talk with Juyeon I decided to take a quick shower and put on some comfy big ass white sweatpants and dark green top with cute graffiti on it with 'fuck off'. Letting my hair dry themselves I only put a towel on my arms to not make the top. 

Deciding to pick a lazy mood today I didn't even bother looking in the mirror and doing my makeup, I could look bad, idc,  I'm at my own place so if anyone makes me feel like trash even tho I got goodness like visuals from parents, I might kindly slide their neck with my hop hop bunny slippers.

taking my phone from the bed I walked downstairs to check on the boyz since Juyeon decided to take a long ass mf bath, this mf. 

walking downstairs I scratched the top of my head as it felt itchy, the new shampoo in the bathroom feels kinda itchy, bet it was with cucumbers- ew I hate. cucumbers. especially those in jars what do y'all call them pickles?

 Nah bro I'm out, imagine eating a tiny alien chopped-off dick from the jar. Don't tell me wrong, that's how they look like. 

It was 7:31 am, weirdly early for me to wake up but from dead ass deep sleep others were in, it seems like they went off around 4 hours ago. As a nigh person with insomnia, I know how I look after a small amount of time I sleep. 

"looks like they are dead" I chuckled walking closer to them, poking the first person I saw with my finger after I squatted next to them

how his cheeks can be softer than mine I thought as I took a closer look at him, he had slightly curled messy hair, pretty nose, soft skin, big plump reddish lips, and the sharp jawline

damn the visuals are even better than mine- I felt insecure now

"enjoying the view?" he said in a raspy voice, as he opened his eyes halfway and a smirk formed on his face


"yea you're pretty..." I said as he looked more into my face "pretty ugly" I smiled as I was about to stand up but my hand got hold by the pretty boy whos now poking inside of his cheek with his lips

DAYMN HE'S HOT- NO MIYEON STOP IT, you can't simp for random hottie holding your hand and OMG IS HE LEANING IN A KISS WAHGJGHSJGFDSGKA

"you look even with pink hair, you died them last night?" he asked as he smiled at me

"pink hair?" I asked confused before gasping and taking the lower part of my ass length hair 

A bloody scream left out my lips, waking others up. Causing some of them to scream in high pitch, I could go deaf by now if the pretty boy would throw pillows at them

"MIYEON ARE YOU OKAY- HAHAHAHAA WHY IS YOUR HAIR PINK?!" Juyeon burst out laughing as soon as he run downstairs with blad sweatpants on and hair still wet and no- YOOTHANKS GOD HE HAD TSHIT ON IF THEY SAY THE HICKAYS I'D BE DAAEADADSDADA

"WHO TF PUT PINK HAIR DYE IN SHAMPOO?!" I asked as I sat on the ground, I was near death... 

my white hair *cries aggressively in mind cuz I'm a bad bitch and no one can see me cry*

now don't fucking bring up what happened earlier, I cried yes I know, fuck y'all 

"wait was the shampoo bottle like black with some white dots and cherries on it...?" Eric asked as I tried to remember

"that's exactly what I used, it said fucking shampoo- bro why did it smell like cucumbers?" I scoffed 

"oh, well you see- uh" he chuckled "uh Jacob hyung?" 

just friends 🚫 lee juyeon | of TBZ | ✅Where stories live. Discover now