eleven: care to explain?

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after being discharged from the hospital I called both Jacob and Eric with Kevin, to meet them before going back to my home. They were surprised, happy and burst out crying but still rushed to the cafe near my place to eat something. Hospital soup ain't that good... I could say I wanted to cry every time eating it tho-

"jeez... guys y'all changed a lot in these 9 months" I chuckled as I looked at them while munching on mint choco ice cream 

"it's been almost a year since you suddenly passes, but it's weird how you were in a sudden coma for 9 months while Chanhee was fine after 3 days or so" Jacob chuckled

"yea, but at least you're back, I thought you were going to die when on the first day since the machines went wee woo wee woo boop beep like fucking crazy-" Eric imitated the machine sounds making me laugh 

"that fr wasn't funny, Kevin almost punched the doctor for calming him down" Jacob chuckled making me laugh even more 

"at least I didn't steal nurse id and didn't dress up as her to spend more time with passed out Miyeon" Kevin crossed his arms while glancing at Jacob who had 'you betrayal' eyes

meanwhile, I and Eric were busy laughing and choking on food while moonbae were mocking each other, well since we were kicked out of the cafe for being loud and disturbing others- ain't my fault they were this funny tho.

when I was about to take the spare keys from the hideout in bushes to my house, Kevin suddenly gasped while I was opening the door, in the same time I entered the house and noticed something off, I walked in with Kevin talking behind my back

"I forgot to say that you have like 4 more people living with you since Mark and Sujin left to California-"

"four...? it should be two only-" I scoffed turning back to them

"what? You knew?" Eric asked confused 

"Sujin told me about two dudes moving in, tf u mean four?" I huffed as they were about to answer but a familiar voice cut them off making me turn to him

"oh guys, you came to visit- uh... wait-" his eyes widened as I stared at him "Miyeon?"

"Juyeon...?" I gasped as I stood there confused a bit

"you know each other?" Jacob looked at us two curiously while we were busy staring at each other, which made Kevin frown 

"it's been... 9 months since I last saw you, u moved somewhere?" he chuckled realizing the eyes on them

"oh- uh well not really" I laughed awkwardly 

"she's been in hospital" Eric chuckled before taking the bag from Kevin's hand and putting me with him "now sorry hyung, but she gotta change and I need to tell her a lot of tea~" he winked before dragging me to my bedroom 

"hospital...?" Juyeon whispered to himself before looking at moonbae "what happened to her?"

"she had a sudden shock after her trauma gave her an unexpected attack, and it caused her to be in a coma. That day Chanhee also fainted but he got  home after 3 days" Kevin explained as he passed by these two and made his way to the kitchen "c'mon let me explain u a bit"

walking to the kitchen and taking a seat in front of Kevin while Jacob went to the bathroom, these two talked about what happened the day, they all were supposed to meet together, but then he, Eric, and Jacob along with New went to the hospital, telling Q and Sunwoo to not tell a word abt it and shit. 

Sunwoo and Q were making sure New was fine, but tbh they were more concerned at Miyeon who had a weird panic attack while being unconscious a few hours after being put on the hospital bed. New then said he felt like he should protect her, even tho he has never seen her in his life. 

After they discharged him, he told to his father and he acted weird, he told me his father suddenly called someone and send some of his guards to the hospital, it was something, unlike his dad. After that, New told him, he looked for something in his documents and laptop for anything similar to what he dreamed about while he was in the hospital and told me he'll call Kevin if find anything. 

"wait... so he suspects his father got something to do with Miyeon and him?" Juyeon asked as Kevin nodded "does she know?"

"no. And better if she doesn't know..." Jacob said from behind "after I dressed as a nurse to check on her, one of the nurses checking on her told me she heard her screams and cries"he said with a sad serious voice before taking a seat next to Juyeon 

"and Q told us New also happened to say a lot of bullshit while he was at the hospital-" before Kevin could continue his phone went off cutting him, it was New's number "he-"

"Kevin... quickly get out of the hospital with Miyeon" he sounds like running 

"we're at her place, she got discharged today-"

"thank god I'm close by" he breathed out "I'll be there in 5 with the others, better fucking leave the back door open and lock everything, and make sure she's not listening," he said before hunting up 

"tf u mean- New? Chanhee? for fuck's sake he hung up" Kevin groaned before getting up and closing the blinds in every window

"tf you doing?" Jacob chuckled 

"closing every blind and u better close the front door, Juyeon open the back door. New seems to be in rush here, others should be here too" Kevin said not feeling nice about it

"he seems to find something serious... I wonder what that is" Juyeon stood up before walking to the back door and unlocking them, while Jacob and Kevin were busy making the house look empty

Calling others except for Eric and Miyeon to the living room, they waited for 10 to 15 minutes before everyone else arrived, closing every door and window, and sitting in one room as if it was a kind of illegal meeting. New suddenly looked at Kevin and chuckled 

"how long do you know Miyeon?" 

"since she was 17, why?" 

"did she suddenly stop talking to you at the time? or didn't explain why she acted weird?" he asked with one eyebrow raised 

"she suddenly moved to her grandma's for 5 months, but why does it have to do with the trauma-"

"cuz a mf drug dealer kidnapped her after she was fake caused for stealing his drugs, and after he gets to know he's my family he used that against my dad business" New groaned while his hand run through his hair 

"MIYEON IS YOUR FAMIL?" Kevin choked, Jacob's jaw almost dropped as the others  either gasped or covered their mouth

"it's a long story... but most important is that we got mf gang trying to find her now," New said after shushing them all 

"Are we in a kind of fictional book or what? I thought such mafia shit was only in dramas?" Hyunjae scoffed 

"we're living in the 21st century, anything possible" Sunwoo scoffed 

yeah... ANYthing possible, hehe 👀

 ANYthing possible, hehe 👀

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