ten: trauma?

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waking up from the nightmare I looked around noticing I was in a strange room

"am I at the hospital...?" I chuckled as I sat up from the bed and put on some ugly ass shoes that were next to my bed and decided to look for someone who might kindly explain what the actual fuck I am in the hospital and what kind of fucked up dream was that

stepping outside I noticed few nurses being busy, I guess I'll be taking way to the main doctor office or something. Honestly have no idea how these names in their jobs work, some really bored person must've been on smf while making these all these long-ass tongue twisters.

Soon when I made my way towards the room next to mine I saw a familiar persona looking at me, oh wait it's Kevin- Wait Kevin? 

"Miyeon-ah omg you're finally awake!" he rushed to me as he hugged me

"you sound like you haven't seen me in years" I laughed as his reaction made me weird out "why do u have such a serious face-"

"Choi Miyeo, you were in a coma for like 8 fucking months... and it was because of triggering memory from your past that you apparently forgot, and well how do I say it" he chuckled "you kind of have a trauma you got no idea of?"

"that's... fucked up, why would I have trauma if I don't remember anything about it then?" I scoffed as I crossed my arms 

"I was confused too, but more confusing for me was, why Chanhee was part of it, soon after you collapsed on the ground he started crying not knowing why like man shed tears not controlling them before having a panic attack" Kevin explained 

"that's so weird... I don't even know him?" I looked away growing my eyebrows as I took a seat and bite my lips "can you call the doctor? I think I need more explanations" 

"sure, let's go to your room then, I'll call him" Kevin chuckled as he took out his phone failing some number while I stood up and walked with him back to my room

Taking a seat on the bed I kicked off these ugly ass shoes and dropped myself on the bed. I was feeling normal, nothing was hurting me, I could walk, talk... they're making big fuss from some memories I don't even remember 

"Ms. Choi I see you've already woke up" the man in his mind 50's said as he walked in 

"mh yeah" I mumbled as I sat up

"I assume you want to hear what happened exactly" he chuckled "here's your file"

taking the paper from him I took a look at it, oh man... that's uh well uh bad? I guess

"so does that mean I like uh- lost my memories after being in a situation that made trauma in my head, and something caused temporary amnesia so now I can't remember what that was... yet I'll be still having that trauma cuz I don't know what that is and what caused it?"

"shortly, yes." the doctor said as he took off his glasses "we found dissociative amnesia and that occurs when a person blocks out certain events, often associated with stress or trauma, leaving the person unable to remember important personal information. We don't know what exactly caused it, but physical trauma such as a head injury or stroke can damage the brain and impair a person's ability to process information and store information, the main functions of memory. Another form of brain damage that directly affects memory is Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome, which is a consequence of chronic alcohol abuse." he explained 

"but she'll be fine?" Kevin asked a bit worried

"you see, she has a post-traumatic stress disorder, she may notice that she'll have trouble concentrating or having issues with your memory, such as memory loss, which we are sure of now. In fact, memory and concentration problems are common symptoms of PTSD, which could make shutdown episodic memory and fragment the sequence of events. The hippocampus is responsible for creating and recalling episodic memory. Trauma can prevent information like words, images, sounds, etc. from different parts of the brain from combining to make a semantic memory"

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