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after 4 hours of placing a few small details and remaking Yeonhye's room with Mrs. Uri, I decided to check on the boyz and their training

"Kevin joined them about 2 hours ago, so he must be the least exhausted" Mrs. Uri chuckled as we walked to the basement floor

"wouldn't be surprised if he was the first one to faint" I laughed before walking thor the door that was opened by the guards. 

to our surprise, everyone was on the ground already

"are they okay?" I frowned as I saw them beat up laying on the ground with a few cuts and wounds

"they did well, there were a few big lacks and wrong ways of moving bodies but still, they wanted to fight each other, and after that well... they got too confident and found my people" Mr. Uri chuckled as he pointed at a group of kinda-fine ass-looking men

"how old are they?" I titled my head as Mr. Uri smirked 

"they are one of the best fighters, their ages are of 22 to 28" he explained,

", have they ever fought a girl?" I chuckled looking straight at 

"they already were on quite a lot of missions, never failed"

"which topic they were related to?" 

"weapons dealing, guarding the place, all of them are the right hand's assains" 

"who's the right hand?" I looked at Mrs. Uri  who sighed deeply "why-"

"Cha Eunwoo," he said as my heart dropped 


"your ex-fiance... Cha Eunwoo is my right-hand man of mine for 6 years already, and this is his group, yet the leader isn't him when it comes to group missions... come with me, I'll show you their file" Mr. Uri kissed his wife's hand and told her to look at the boyz as I followed him with concern on my face,

6 years... what, why do I feel betrayed, they all knew who I was, 

while I was biting my lips and waiting for Mr. Uri to unlock the door to the room with id files, one of the members looked at me with a frown, I heard a soft gasp leaving his lips, so I looked at him since he was about 4 foot away from me

his face looked almost as soft as a typical kindergarten teacher, whose hobby is making kids laugh- how can this person be in a group with the right-hand man of the mf mafia? yet after my gaze went lower than his face I realized why bro he's ripped-

"Miyeon? you heard me?" Mr. Uri asked as I shook my head and looked at him nodding, before walking in with him 

how many secrets do these mafias have... it's almost scary to realize how many of them knew me and I tried to kill them all- 

"Are you shitting my neck... there's like fucking million of files, how do you know where there is- oh you got it already" I nodded my head still taken back by previous information 

"here, you can look them up here, I'll go to see if your friends are fine now" he chuckled leaving me behind

name: Park Jin Woo aka JINJIN / 1996 

position: consigliere/leader, combat fighter

position: consigliere/leader, combat fighter

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