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While practicing for the special stage, Minju suddenly tripped,
when she was almost on the ground, all of a sudden, someone tried to catch her but they both fell down and kissed in front of everyone and it was Hyunjin, as soon as Minju tripped, he immediately took action and tried to catch Minju but he failed due to not having enough balance, which in result, he and Minju fell down and kissed in front of everyone, when they both noticed that they kissed, they both immediately stood up and apologized to the director and staff and to each other

Hyunjin: Sorry Director and Staff, we interrupted the practice, *looks at Minju* and I'm sorry Minju, I didn't have enough balance when I was catching you
Minju: Sorry Director and Staff, it was my fault, I should've not tripped, glooks at Hyunjin* and I'm sorry Hyunjin oppa, you should've not tried to catch me, I was ok to fall since the floor didn't really hurt
Director: It's ok, I mean you guys are idols and memorized the dance quickly, so there is no panic for the stage tomorrow, but you both are not hurt or anything?

Hyunjin and Minju: No Director, we are perfectly fine and not hurt
Director: Since you guys already familiarized on what we are going to do for the tomorrow, you may go home to take some rest which you need, so see you tomorrow!
Chani, Minju, Hyunjin: Goodbye Director, see you tomorrow!

The Director and Staff left the practice studio which made the trio be left alone but then, Chani suddenly said something

Chani: Guys, I have to go, I still have a lot of things to do, see you guys tomorrow!
Hyunjin and Minju: Bye Chani! See you tomorrow!

Chani left the practice studio as well which now made Hyunjin and Minju be left alone together

Hyunjin: Well it looks like we are alone together now just like last time (referring when they were having lunch after the photo shoot for the new banner)
Minju: Yea, but how are we going to tell them that you picked me up earlier to go here?
Hyunjin: Let's just keep that a secret, and besides, they will just think that I did a good deed which I technically did and are you ok? I made you fall down, your not hurt right?
Minju: I'm f-fine, *looks at her knee then immediately looked back up* not hurt at all
Hyunjin: *noticed her knee is bleeding a little bit* You are really bad at lying huh? I noticed your knee, it's bleeding, thankfully it's not bleeding that much, let me get my bandage for your knee
Minju: But it's-
Hyunjin: No buts, I should bandage you since your knee might get worse if there is no bandage
Minju: okay.....

Hyunjin gets his bandage and took care of Minju's knee as if she got really hurt but her knee was just bleeding a little bit, while Hyunjin was taking care of Minju's knee, Minju was getting sleepy and started yawning and Hyunjin noticed, after he took care of Minju's knee, he called his manager to get him from the studio, then, when the manager arrived, he carried Minju bridal's style then brought her to the car then made her sleep comfortably, *few hours passed* it was already night time but they were still stuck in the traffic, and Hyunjin realized that he should just let Minju sleep at his apartment (without the members) for one night since the dorm of Minju is far and it would be tiring, but he asked permission first from his manager

Hyunjin: Manager-nim, is it ok if I'll let Minju sleep at my apartment for one night? Since Hyunjin's dorm is still far and my apartment is more near, it would be convenient if I'll just let Minju sleep at my apartment
Manager: Yea sure, I'll just contact the manager of Minju and tell her the news
Hyunjin: Thank you Manager!

Hyunjin was happy that his manager agreed to let Minju sleep at his apartment, he looked at Minju and realized that she was still pretty despite that she was sleeping, he tried to not make noise so that it wouldn't wake up Minju
Is Hyunjin's wish slowly becoming true?

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