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After Hyunjin and Minju arrived at Hyunjin's apartment, they parked at the safe parking place so that they wouldn't get caught by fans, Hyunjin carried Minju bridal's style on the way to his room and thankfully, there were no fans and only residents were inside, Hyunjin arrived at his room while carrying Minju all alone since his manager left as soon as they got inside the apartment from the parking space, when Hyunjin and Minju got inside Hyunjin's room, Hyunjin decided to put Minju on his bed, but then after a few minutes, Minju woke up while Hyunjin was taking care of her

Minju: Where am I? *realizes that Hyunjin was beside her* Hyunjin oppa?
Hyunjin: Oh Minju, you're awake?
Minju: Yea, where am I?
Hyunjin: Oh, we're at my apartment, I decided to just take you here since your dorm is more far and you were already sleepy
Minju: Oh sorry, I was sleepy since I haven't got enough sleep due to dance practices, but what about my members and my manager, do they know that I'm here?
Hyunjin: Yea, I let my manager contact your manager and your members also know so don't worry
Minju: Good thing, I don't want them to worry, btw, what time is it?
Hyunjin: *looks at his watch* 2:47 am
Minju: Ehhhh, I slept for that long, I still have schedules today, and the first one starts at 4:00 am, but Hyunjin oppa, have you already slept? You look sleepy
Hyunjin: Yea2x I have slept for a few minutes on the way here and while you were sleeping on my bed, and I don't really get sleepy so it's okie, but do you want me to let you go to your first schedule? I know how to drive and besides my car is parked on the parking lot, you can take a shower and I'll give you my mom's clothes since I have my mom's clothes on my closet since she usually stays here at my apartment
Minju: Really? Thank you Hyunjin oppa, you already have done many things for me, what should I repay you with?
Hyunjin: I've already told you, no need to repay me, I want to help you since we both go through the same problems
Minju: Thank you Hyunjin oppa, I've never met someone as kind as you before and i'm thankful that you are my friend
Hyunjin: Same thing goes to here, I'm also thankful for you to be my friend and btw, what is your first schedule? I also have a schedule at 4:00 am maybe we have the same first schedule, I just forgot what it was
Minju: It's for the music show, since at 4:00 am, the pre recording of the special stage starts
Hyunjin: Oh yea, the pre recording of the special stage, I completely forgot about that, good thing, we are both Emcees of the music show, it's 2:55 am, you can take a shower first, I'll just give you the clothes of my mom, then I'll be next, afterwards, we can go to the studio together
Minju: okie, Thank you once again Hyunjin oppa
Hyunjin: No problem!

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