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Regina's POV

What happened next, you ask? Well, I had the baby. The baby was a girl and I named her Emily. I like that name, so did Robin. Roland and Henry were overloaded with joy to the point where they couldn't contain their excitement! Henry ALWAYS offered to help, which I appreciated. Roland always drew pictures for Emily and read her stories at night. He actually made up each story as he went along, which I thought was pretty cute. Life was great! No evil witch or anyone from my past could tear us down.

We were NOT threatened by anyone once the baby was born. I guess everyone gave up trying to make me feel bad. Maybe their jealousy made them finally shut up and go away! Whatever it was that caused them to leave us alone should get a huge high five, a pat on the back, and a batch of my famous, homemade, apple cobbler! (Unpoisoned, of course. I'm over that. Unless it's extremely necessary ;)).

Robin and I fought from time to time, but nothing major. We always found a way to compromise, and, sometimes, drop the subject and never mention it again.

As I'm telling you this, Emily is one year old. Time flies by so fast! It seemed like only yesterday she was inside of me, and now, she's one year old.

For her first birthday party, which was last month, July, we invited everyone over. Snow, Charming, Emma, Little John, EVERYONE!!! They brought Emily some AMAZING gifts.

Well, I have to go now. Emily needs her diaper changed. That's always fun! Not. Sometimes, I pretend to be doing something else so that Robin can do it. Half the time he actually falls for it! The other half, I'm either sucking it up and changing her diaper, or I'm actually doing something.

I wonder how long I can keep this up......

Anyway, I have to go change her diaper now. Unless Robin will do it for me.....

These stories were about me overcoming challenges life threw at me. I have a family now and I'm the happiest I've ever been in my entire life.

Thanks for shipping me and Robin! Look what good that did. ;)


Thanks for reading the series! :)

I DO ~A sequel to ChoicesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant