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Regina's POV

I couldn't believe it. Robin proposed to me! I dreamed about this happening and here it is becoming a reality! Tears started to gather in my eyes.

"Yes! Yes of course!" I said crying.

He placed the ring gently on my finger. It was so beautiful! It had diamonds on every inch of it and there wasn't a single rust spot on it.

I started to cry.

I gave him a big hug. My dream was coming true! We were getting married!

"Do you wanna celebrate with a few drinks?" He asked me.

"Yeah! Some wine would be nice! But, only give me a couple because I have a tendency to get drunk." I said. It was true! I got drunk pretty quickly.

"Let's go!" He said as he lead me arm in arm down the stairs. We stopped in his kitchen where he had an entire shelf filled with drinks.

He poured me a glass of wine and we sat on his couch and talked and drank.

"So....where's the wedding going to be?" I asked him, assuming he had everything all planned out.

"I didn't quite figure that out yet. I was hoping maybe you and I could plan out the wedding together." He said.

"Ok. We'll start tomorrow. Tomorrow will be devoted to planning out the wedding." I said.

"That sounds great! We can make an entire wedding binder of our ideas!" He said getting into it.

"Great!" I said.

Then we sat there in silence for a little bit. I wondered if he was daydreaming about the wedding, like me.

"Well, I'm gonna have to give you my glass, I don't want to get tempted to have another drink. And another. And another one after that. And another one after that!" I said jokingly.

He giggled.

"Alright, I'm done too. I need my brain to be working correctly." He said playfully.

"Well, it's getting late, I'm gonna head to bed. Remember, tomorrow, all day, we're going to plan out the wedding." I said.

"I can't wait!" He said.

Then, I headed to bed.

I DO ~A sequel to ChoicesWhere stories live. Discover now