One of The Boys : Chapter Ten

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Thank you guys for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter and it would also be awesome if you guys'd give me feedback on this story. Okay bye lol.

“Jordan, wait up,” I heard Rodney yell from behind. I was walking fast to try and get away from him.

Ever since that whole awkward situation over at his house last week I’d just been trying to avoid him and the guys. I just needed some space from them, time to think about what I’m going to do. I’ve been leaving early from school just so this wouldn’t happen.

“Jordan! Why're you walking so fast? God, I’m about to die of a heart attack,” Rodney said in between gasps. “What happened? Why’ve you been avoiding me? I’ve been trying to get to talk to you for days now and you just ignore me, even in school,”

I shrugged. “Don’t take it personal,” I mumbled.

“Why’ve you been acting like this? All the guys thought you were one of them and you were cool but now it’s just drama after drama and this new passive aggressive attitude it’s just—“

“Rodney, I really don’t care what you and you’re stupid friends think about me,” I kept my focus straight down the street. It looked like I was talking to some invisible person in front of me.

“I’m just saying that—“

“I don’t care Rodney,” I sneered.

Rodney had stopped suddenly and I just kept walking not even bothering to look back at him. I didn’t even understand what I was so mad about either, but I was mad and I didn’t even want to be next Rodney. He was just back to being one of the most annoying human beings to walk the planet next to his stupid jerk friends.

I walked up to the bus post and leaned on the pole. I heard Rodney walk up no later standing right next to me. He was standing so close to me I could hear him breathing. I turned my head slowly and looked at him. Then he turned his and started looking at me with a smug smile on his face.

“I have to show you something,” He finally said.

I turned my head away from him and stared at the street. “I’m not going anywhere with you,” I retorted.

He laughed softly. “You’re not getting on that bus though,”

I turned to him. “And why not?” This time a smirk was on my face.

He shrugged. “I’m not letting you,”

I turned my head and watched the bus pull up around the corner. I turned back to Rodney with a devious smile.

“You’re not getting on that,”

“Wanna bet?” I lifted my eyebrows.

The bus pulled up and I reached into my pocket for my metro card when Rodney snatched it from inside my pocket.

“Give it back,” I said.

“Get on the bus, go,” He grinned holding my metro card in the air.

I groaned then looked at the bus as the doors opened. “I don’t need a metro card to get on the bus,” I grinned. I started toward the bus when Rodney walked up in front of me and picked me up by my waist and put me over his shoulder.

He turned to the bus driver as I began to yell rape over his shoulder. “You can keep going, sorry,”

I heard the bus doors close and the bus drive off.

“Rape!!!” I cried. “Rape!!!”

Rodney began to laugh when he put me down. I couldn’t help but start to laugh hysterically also.

“Why can’t I just go to school?” I rolled my eyes.

“I know you don’t want to be in school, c’mon,” Rodney grabbed my hand and we began down the street.

“Where are we going?” I said.

“Chris’s house, we have something to show you,”

Chris’s house wasn’t really far from ours. Only a few blocks from the bus stop. Chris’s house was pretty big, bigger than the average house on the street. His house stood out from all of them. Looking at the way Chris carried himself you would’ve never thought Chris lived such a lavished life.

Rodney led me out to the back of Chris’s house and when we got there, there were ramps all over the backyard. He had all different kinds of ramps. He had launch ramps, quarter pipe and half pipe ramps, a pyramid ramp and one big vert ramp on the further side of his backyard into the trees and that’s where all the guys were.

As we walked to where the guys were they all turned and waved ‘hi’ to me and greeted me as if nothing happened last week.

“We have something we want to show you, okay?” Rodney said grabbing one of the boards from the ground and walking over to the ramp.

I looked at the guys standing at the top of it, they were all smiling and giving me a thumbs up. I couldn’t help but smile. Rodney got on the side of the ramp with Chris and Zachary and Damien, Micah and Dean were on the other side.

“Alright!” Zachary yelled. “You guys ready?”

They all slapped their helmets and made this loud grunting noise.

“You say go Jordan!” Dean yelled.

“Don’t hurt yourselves, morons!” I yelled.

“Just say it!” Damien groaned.

“Okay, go!”

And as soon as I said ‘go’ I saw Dean and Chris leap down the ramp. Dean started doing a rock and roll while Chris started doing Alex stalls. Then Zachary and Micah went down and I was so surprised at Micah because he started doing tricks without falling (Mike always fell). Then Damien and Rodney went down and Damien started doing a nose stall and Zachary started doing a rock a fakie while all of them were on the ramp. All of them were on the ramp doing different tricks at the same time. Then, simultaneously, they all started doing an indie grab and air tricks all at the same time. After they’d finished they all went back into their spots on the ramp. They took off their helmets at the same time and looked at me. I hadn’t realized I’d had a big smile on my face until they all started grinning back at me.

“Are we worthy enough now, queen Jordana?”

I chuckled.

“Seriously Jordan, how was it. How’d we do?” Rodney was out of breath and his hair was sticking to his face.

“That was amazing guys,” I grinned trying to hold back how actually happy I was.

“All in a week! And you didn’t think we were capable of that,” Micah said.

I did underestimate them and they made me feel like the jerk and they knew they did make me feel like a jerk. “I’m so sor—“

Rodney interrupted me. “No need to apologize,” Rodney lifted his eyebrow as a gesture and I nodded back.

“So,” Chris said. “Are we a team or what?!”

I shrugged. “I don’t know, do you guys think you could handle being in the big boy leagues, I mean—“

“Jordan we’re ready! We can hang with the big kids!” Dean said.

Then a big old smile stretched across my face. “We’re a team then,”

And then they all jumped off the ramp and came hurdling toward me yelling and screaming like animals. And they jumped on top of me and we all fell to floor. These yelling and screaming animals are my brothers and I’m ready to take over that tournament with them.

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