One of The Boys : Chapter Two

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This week went by in a flash. In school, my friends and my basketball coach planned a goodbye party for me, but the whole time I was really miserable. Moving had just completely turned my whole life around. My friends tried to convince my mom for me to stay but she just wasn't budging. I tried to talk to my dad but for the first time, he didn't agree with me, not once. I knew for a fact, that whatever I said or did didn't matter. I was moving and that was that.


I put the last of my things into a box. I sealed it with tape and picked it up off my bed. Before leaving to put my box in the moving truck, I stood there, staring at my now empty room. I was really going to miss it, all the good memories.

"Damn, I'm going to miss this room," I whispered to myself.

Then a knock on my door pulled me out of my thoughts. "Jordan, hurry up. We're leaving right now. Let’s get the move on," My dad said.

I bit my lip nervously and sighed.

I took one last good look at my empty room and left, locking the door behind me. I walked down my old decaying staircase and passed through the front door. I put my box in the moving truck and walked over to my dad's car and got inside.

My mom and dad were already in there. It’s like they were happy about just leaving a piece of our family behind.

"Jordan you ready!?" My dad smiled in excitement.

"Yes Dad, I'm so excited," All sarcasm intended.

He turned around and purred the car to life. As we drove off I looked back at our house that we used to own. I don't think my life will be the same after this.

After about 4 days of driving and 3 nights in motels we finally reached Jacksonville, Florida. It wasn't that bad by the looks of it. It seemed like a really quiet place, unlike where we used to live.

We finally reached our house which was near the beach. Our house was bigger than the one we used to live in. This was a surprise. The neighborhood was really tidy and calm. I have to admit, it was nice being in such a calming area, but I still want our old house back.

The moving truck came 5 minutes after we arrived. I just stood near the car, staring at the house when my dad came up behind me.

"Go check out the house," He said giving me a little motivational push. I inhaled and walked toward the house when I heard someone yell to me.

"Hey!" It was a guy. He looked my age. He had gold blonde hair and dark eyes. He was also tall. About 5'9 maybe. “It’s great to meet you,” He smiled big.

 Annoyed, I rolled my eyes. I turned away from him and walked inside. I dropped my mouth as my eyes wandered from one corner to the other. The house was gorgeous. I walked to the left where the big empty living room stood. I walked out of the living room and down the hall to the kitchen, which was also big and empty. Every floor was made of white marble and so was the ceiling. This must’ve been crazy expensive.

I was guessing my room was upstairs, so I raced up the stairs and to the last door to the left, hoping it was my room. Surprisingly it was. It had a poster with my name on it. I walked around in a circle and analyzed the room. My mood had gone from really sad and upset to actually.........liking it. The house was amazing and I could see myself getting use to this.

After about a few hours of getting the boxes into the house and unpacking some of the stuff, we were all finally pooped and decided to take a break. I grabbed my skateboard and went outside. I hopped on my skateboard and began to ride back and forth down the street. I started doing kick flip tricks when the same guy I saw when we first arrived, came outside. He stood at his porch and folded his arms staring at me while I skated. I felt unpleasant with him just standing there staring at me and made me lose my balance and fall off my skateboard.

"Shit!" I yelled angrily looking at my bruised elbow. The guy ran over to me in a glimpse of an eye and helped me up.

"Are you alright?” He asked wiping off some dirt from my shoulder.

I gave him a dirty look. "I’m fine," I mumbled pushing his hand away from me. I picked up my skateboard, ready to go inside.

"You skate well, for a girl," He said.

I turned around briskly "What’s that supposed to mean!?" I get so angry when people tell me 'you skate good....for a girl’. Skating is not a guy sport and girls can do it too. There are actually some girls out there who can actually skate and even better than guys.

He shrugged. "I'm just saying. I've never seen a girl shred like that," He had this smirk on his face which made me want to slap him.

 I exhaled in frustration. I ended the conversation by turning around continuing to walk toward my house.

"I skate too!" He said quickly.

I rolled my eyes and turned to him again. “Would you like a cookie for that!?" Sarcasm all over my voice.

"Preferably chocolate," He still had that stupid little smile on his face.

My blood was boiling. "Shut up!"

He laughed. "You must be a very angry girl?" He smiled. "But if you'd like to know, I'm Rodney," He held out his hand. I wanted to just rip his arm off. The fact that he was just making a joke out of my anger, made me feel as though he was making a mockery out of me. And let’s not forget the 'you skate well for a girl’ thing.

"I’m Jordan," I said bitterly. I looked down at his hand then back up at his face. I shook his hand, squeezing it with all my force.

"Ow! What the-" He stopped mid-sentence. He quickly pulled his hand away from mine. I began to giggle. "You have quite a grip there," His smirk began to reappear on his face, which annoyed me.

"Well, I have to go inside. I'll see you tomorrow," I turned ready to make my last exit.

"Goodbye neighbor," Without even looking at him I knew he had that stupid smile still on his face.

I turned. “Yes, neighbor. I'll see you later." I turned around for the 4th time that evening and finally I made it inside.

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