One of The Boys : Chapter Four

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The elevator stopped at the roof. I was so anxious. The guys and I tried to walk over to the big ramp when one of the guys stood infront of us, stopping us from getting there.

"Would you like to move? " I snapped. I knew I was getting myself into a shitload of trouble by being all sassy with upper class skaters but thats the only way to get respect if I wanted to skate up here.

He laughed. "So Rodney, this is what you decide to bring up here to back you up, a silly little-" He looked at me up and down then turned back to Rodney. "GIRL!?" He laughed even harder bending over and grabbing his stomach.

I grinned back trying to hide the fact that I was going to two peice this guy really soon. "I bet a girl could whip your ass on the ramp," I gestured to the ramp so that he could move aside so I could stand all these guys up.

He rolled his eyes. "This isn't a game of barbie dolls," He tried to sound clever. I think I've heard that line a little too much and it was starting to get old and boring.

"Touché," I stood with my arms crossed, displeased. "Now, will you stop being a jackass and let me ride the ramp?"

His grin dissapeared. He twisted his mouth and moved aside. I turned to Rodney and smiled.

"Let me use your helmet, just incase I do fall flat on my face," I laughed. "This thing is kind of scaring me," Rodney had looked scared out of his pants. He handed me the helmet and I straped it on. I pushed passed the guy and headed for the ladder that lead to the platform at the top of the ramp. I finally reached the top.

I looked down.

I was really scared. And I knew that if I did slip up at any moment I'd be shunned from the roof and i'd probably feel like an idiot for life. So this was life or death. I hoped so hard that my mouth didn't get me into a situation that my ass couldnt handle.

I put the board under my foot and looked down. I took one last deep breathe and got fully on my board and slid down the ramp. My confidence built as my adrenaline began to kick in and the air began to hit my face. When I reached the edge of the other side of the ramp I did a crooked grind across the edge. Which consisted of the board sliding across the edge of the platform on the ramp. I then rode back across the ramp and did a 360 flip across the edge of the platform. Then I slid back over to the otherside and did a 180. I slid back to the otherside of the ramp, popped the skateboard into my hand and took off the helmet.

I smirked conceitedly at the faces all the boys had on. Rodney was the only one with a smile on his face. I slid down the ramp. Once I landed in the middle I walked over to the Rodney and the guys.

"That was impressive," Zachery smiled, pleased. Micah and the guys gave me high five and pounds. I was really proud of myself. I walked over to the guy who stopped us at the door.

"Am I worthy enough to skate on the ramp?" I asked sarcasticaly.

He smiled. "I give you props, but don't get too happy, you weren't all that good," He said. I nodded. I knew he was just butt hurt because I proved him wrong. I turned to walk away when I heard him say. "I'm Evan,"

I turned back to him. "And you have a full access pass to the roof," He folded his arms.

I smiled at him then turned back to Rodney and the guys. I have to admit, I thought I was going to severely regret coming here with Rodney but it was totally the opposite.I actually had fun. I can actually see myself getting use to living in Florida, and liking it.

One of The BoysTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang