One of The Boys : Chapter Five

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Rodney, the boys and I got into the elevator and back down to the third floor.

"You really did serve them up. That was, like, the best thing i've seen in my life! " Micah said excited.

"Its was nothing," I shrugged. I sat down at the window sill as the boys began to skate.

Zachary came over and sat down next to me. "Wow, I really underestimated your skills," He laughed.

"Yup, I could teach you guys a thing or two," I joked. I looked at Zachary who was smirking at me with googley eyes. I turned my attention to the poster on the wall. In big letters it said 'Goblin Towers Tournament' . I turned to Zachery.

"Whats The Goblin Towers Tournament?" I asked.

"Its just a tournament Goblin Towers has every year. The best skaters in Florida skate it out 'till the finish. The reward is 10,000$ ," He replied.

"Wow, 10,000$ ?! " My mouth dropped. "How do you join?"

"You can only enter with a group," He said. I thought about Zachery and the guys.

"Aren't you guys a group!?"

"Yeah, but we're not that good to skate with pro skaters," He said. I was going to try and talk him into changing his opinion but just by staring at them skate now, they're horrible.

"Well, there goes my dream," I sighed. Rodney then walked over and sat next to Zachary and I on the window.

"So what you two doing?" He said out of breathe.

"That Goblin Towers Tournament. I wish I could join, but I don't even have a group. This sucks." I slouched. Rodney didn't say anything.

"Guys , we should go to the Honey Grub and get some lunch. The guys and I are starving," Dean said rubbing his stomach.

Rodney laughed. "Alright," He turned to me. "You want to come?"

I got up and grabbed my skatebard. "Lets do it,"

We left Goblin Towers and headed out to Honey Grub.

The Honey Grub was a little vintage shop, like the ones you see on t.v . The whole thing was made of wood. Looked like a cabin.

The guys and I took up two tables. Dean, Micah and Chris sat down at the window table while Rodney, Damien, Zachery and I sat at the table next to it.

I picked up the menu and looked at it. What the hell was a greasy double honey burger? It sounded digusting.

"What you getting Jordan?" Zachery asked. Rodney gave Zachery an staggering look.

"I don't know. What's up with the menu? Everythng sounds like some type of a death sentence," I laughed.

"But it's one hell of a meal," Chris smiled.

"Why don't you try a heartattack burger," Damien suggested.

Zachary laughed. "C'mon Damien, she might die off that,"

I shot daggers at Zachery. "Whats that suppose to mean? Idiot,"

"We call it a heart attack burger. Its like a heartattack in a burger. It takes every ingrediant in the back and makes it into a burger," Rodney said.

I smirked willing to take the challenge. "Well hell, I want a heart attack burger," I looked at Rodney who looked worried.

The waitor came over and got all of our orders, left, then came back with everything. She layed the heart attack burger in front of me.

"Woah," I dropped my mouth. I have never been more afraid in my life. By the look of this burger it did look like someone could get a heart attack by taking one bite out of it.

"I want to see this," Chris mumbled.

"You don't have to do this Jordan, these guys are just being jerks," Rodney pleaded. I ignored Rodney and looked at the burger, ready to devour it.

I picked it up as ketchup dropped out from the back of it. You can do this Jordan. I said to myself. I opened my mouth as the guys moved in to get a better look. I took a huge bite of the sandwich. I began to chew. I tasted bbq sauce, mayonaise, fries, onions, hotsauce, just a variety of stuff.

"Im waiting for her to collapse," Zachery joked. I licked the ketchup off my fingers, after I was done chewing.

"That was actually really good," I said surprised. The guys dropped their mouths. "Close your mouth guys, ya'll dont want to catch flies now do you?" I laughed hysterically.

Micah started to clap. "You've done it again," I looked at Rodney who had the biggest grinned slapped onto his face.

After eating and chatting it up we decided to finally part ways.

We walked out of the Honey Grub. The sun was halfway down making the sky a mix of orange and pink.

"I didn't know you had it in you," Rodney said putting his hands in his pockets.

I shrugged. "Your friends were really cool too,"

"I hated the way Zachery acted today. Sorry about him,"

I shrugged. "It's alright. I kind of sensed a little jelousy from you too," I teased.

"No," He tensed. "It's just that I didn't want you falling into his trap," He began to blush. I laughed.

"Nice save," I smirked. I gave him a playful push with my shoulder. He pushed me back with his shoulder. I punched him in the chest then ran down the street as he chased after me. He caught up and then grabbed me and spun me around to face him. Rodney pulled me in close. I placed my hands on his chest and our eyes locked. The hairs on my neck stood up as we stared at each other. But I pulled away from him. I just didn't want the good friendship we had to be crumble because of a mistake.

I put my hands in my pockets and began to walk down the street. Rodney followed after. The rest of the trip home was silent.

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