One of The Boys : Chapter Eight

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"Hey Jordan," Zachary beamed as Rodney and I met up in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Oh thanks for noticing I'm here too," Rodney rolled his eyes.

Zachary playfully hit Rodney in the shoulder. "Dude, c'mon don't get all uptight. Jordan is being way more manlier than you are right now,"

"Yeah whatever," Rodney mumbled then turned his attention to the pavement.

"Okay," I said trying to lighten the mood. The tension between them was unbearable. I could tell, even the first day I met them, that they weren't really fond of eachother. They were always kind of competing with each other, or Zachary was always competing with Rodney. Either way, I was the shiny new prize to be won.

"Bus is almost here," I walked passed Zachary and stood at the bus post. Zachary and Rodney followed.


Ring.Ring.Ring.Ring. I chanted eagerly in my head as I stared at the clock. Time goes by so slow when you want something to happen. Then finally it did. I jumped out of my seat and flew out of the class. Evan was standing at his locker.

"I'm ready," I shrugged.

"Wow, you must be serious about this," Evan smiled slightly, showing his perfectly lined teeth.

"More than serious,"

"Let's go," Evan and I walked down the hall to the exit, when I saw Rodney.

He looked confused. He walked over to me as Evan and I walked down the stairs. "Jordan, where you going?" His face puzzled.

"She's going to go audition to be apart of a real skate team," Evan smirked.

Rodney turned to me. "Really?" His eyes full of disappointment.

"Sort of," I bit my lip.

"Okay," He backed up off the stairs. "Have fun," And he turned and walked away.

"Ah god, I feel so bad," I turned to Evan.

"Don't," Evan started walking again. I followed. "They'll appreciate it once you win the money,"

"Whatever," I mumbled.

We reached Goblin Towers and went upto the roof.

"This girl again?" One of the guys said.

I lifted my eyebrows ready to say something biting but Evan gestured to me not to.

"Okay, when do I start?" I put my helmet on.


I nodded and put my knee pads on. I ran upto the ramp then climbed up the ladder. I looked down taking in some air.

"Just rock it like you did the last time," Evan yelled from the bottom. "You shouldn't be worried,"

I lifted up my thumb and he did too.

"Okay," I said to myself. "You can do this. Just do what you did last time,"

I put my board under my foot and went down. Axel turns, Rock to Fakie, Indie Grab, and many more. I didn't mess up once. I was on game the whole way. I did one last trick and I was done.

"How was that?!" I yelled from the top of the ramp, panting. "Was it good?"

"Come down and we'll tell you!" Evan yelled.

I went down the ladder. They were all gathered together and when I came they turned to me.

"How'd I do?" I took my helmet off, still breathing heavy.

"It was alright," One of the guys said.

"Alright?" I was surprised. I pulled some of the best moves out up there and I get an alright?

"Alright. You didn't do, like, Tony Hawk stuff up there," A girl said. I didn't see her here the other day. She had a helmet on, so I'm guessing she was apart of the team.

"You were expecting Tony Hawk moves? You've got to be kidding me, right?" I folded my arms.

They all stood quiet and stared at me.

"I can go up and do something different if you want?"

"No," Evan said.

I was puzzled. "No?"

"No. You're not getting in at all," Evan mumbled.

"You're just not good enough," The girl rolled her eyes.

My blood began to boil. "Good enough?! You made me come all the way out here and do that just to say I didn't do good enough. I'd like to see one of you posers go up there and do something even close to what I did," I snared.

"What'd you just call us?!" The girl was about to come and attack me but the guys held her back.

"You're just doing this out of spite because I'm friends with Rodney!"

"It has nothing to do with that," Evan said.

"Yeah right," I rolled my eyes. "I'll like to see you guys win this competition 'cause I'm going to be there, with a vengeance. So you guys better practice extra hard, 'cause I'm coming, harder than ever," And with that I walked away. I was so angry. Bringing me and telling me I wasn't in? Must've been a joke. But I was actually more concrned with what I had just said. How was I going to find a team to get into the competition with me? I'm an idiot and I'm teamless.

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