One of The Boys : Chapter Twelve

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Rodney and I got off the bus and Zachary and Damien joined as we walked into the school building.

"I just want the day to end already. I really want to see our competition already," Just thinking about the Goblin Towers Pre-Show got me all anxious. The Goblin Towers Pre-Show is where the groups get to meet and show what they're made of. The Goblin Towers Pre-Show also determines who is actually in The Goblin Towers Tournament. We've been practicing all week for this and I'm praying that we get in.

 "Me too," Zachary replied. "It'd suck if we didn't get in," He mumbled.

I turned to him and shot him a look before Damien took the words right out of my mouth, but a little more polite. "We've been practicing all week, we got this in the bag. With that mentality you're gonna fuck all of us up!"

"We just need to chill and we'll do great," Rodney said. "Besides we got one of the best skaters in Florida on our team," Rodney gave me a smirk.

 Zachary made a puking noise then walked away from us and down the other hallway to his class.

"I really wish Zach would stop with the shitty pessimistic attitude. It's putting a damper on all the excitement! He's been complaining all morning about how he's not sure if we can do this," Damien rolled his eyes.

"He's just nervous," I sad. What Zach was feeling was kind of how I was feeling but I would never say it out loud. A week of practice isn't enough to even get us into the Tournament, but with some hope and prayer and me as their secret weapon, we may be able to kill it.

"I'd be nervous too if I were you losers," I knew that voice from anywhere. The voice that belonged to the spawn of Satan himself, Evan.

I jerked my head toward him. "Who was talking to you?" Just seeing his face made my blood boil. If I knew I wasn't going to get in a lot of trouble I would've just punched him straight in the mouth. "Don't you have a life besides stalking us?"

Evan scrunched his eyebrows then twisted his mouth. "You guys better get your girl before something ends up happening to that pretty little mouth of hers,"

"Are you threatening me?" I spat.

Evan laughed. "I'm promising you,"

I rolled my eyes. "Just make sure you put all this animosity that you have on the ramp, because the way it looks, this girl has the one up on you. We'll literally shred you're whole team apart, and that's a real promise,"

Evan just stood there smiling smugly like the douche that he is, then Rodney grabbed me by my shoulder.

 "Lets go," He said and we continued down the hallway.

 "Why are you always doing this?!" Rodney said.

 "Doing what!? Letting Dean know how much of a piece of shit he is?! I don't see anything wrong with that!"

Rodney groaned. "You don't understand that you're always speaking for our team! You speak as if you're speaking for each and every one of us!"

I stopped walking and looked at Rodney. "No I'm not," I looked at Damien to have my back when he also nodded his head in agreement with Rodney. "I'm just doing you idiots a favor,"

"And we're thankful for that," Damien said. "But it's just, you talk yourself into things you can't handle and then you drag us with you,"

"I can handle Dean,"

"That's not what we're saying," Damien replied.

Then Rodney cut in. "You actually can't, because this isn't a team of you, it's a team of us and just because--"

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