Episode 10

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I wake up the next day wrapped in Hawk's arms. Last night was amazing! I feel bad for Miguel but I can't think about him right now. I want to appreciate where I am. Hawk rolls over when he feels me squirm, "Morning."

I smile, "Goodmorning, sleepyhead." I try to roll out of his arms but he pulls me closer. "We have get up," I whine. "The tournament is today."

"We have time," Hawk rolls me on top of him.

I sit up, "We need to go check on Miguel."

Hawk groans, "I know, you're right. Five more minutes though?"

Laughing, I lay on back down. "Fine, five more minutes." We don't spend those five minutes sleeping.

Hawk drives us to the tournament, I asked my mom to come but she said she was busy. I didn't want to bring Justin because I didn't want to have to watch him the whole time. At least my friends will all be there.

When we finally get to the tournament, Hawk goes to meet up with Bert while I go to say hi to Moon and Demetri. Moon runs up to me and hugs me, "Riley! Good luck today, you're going to do amazing. I'm so excited to see you fight." She looks around, "Though I don't see many other girls here. Are you going to be fighting all guys?" She sounds so concerned.

I laugh, "Girls can do anything that guys can do. I'll be fine, and Aisha's fighting too."

"I second that," Demetri cuts in. "You'll do more than fine."

"Thanks, Demi." I smile at him.

Moon grabs my hands, "Look for us while you're fighting, we'll be the ones cheering the loudest."

Demetri laughs as he walks away with Moon while I attempt to find the rest of the Cobra Kais. Hawk texted me that Johnny got there while I was talking to Moon and they were inside changing into their new gi's.

I walk inside and take in the huge building that the tournament is being held in. There's so many people, and Moon was right, it's mainly all guys that I'm seeing in gi's. I'm walking towards the change rooms where Hawk said they were when some guy comes and plants himself in front of me.

"Hey baby, you here to see me fight?" He says creepily.

I scowl at him, "Don't call me that, and I don't even know who you are."

"You don't know me yet, you can get to know me well." He steps closer to me, "You're pretty."

"And you're in my space," I try to walk around him but he grabs my arms. I'm so tired of guys thinking they're welcome in my personal bubble. I flip his arms off of me, "Back up."

He goes to get closer again but he ends up flying into the wall next to us. Hawk must've seen him grab me because he wasted no time shoving this random guy into the wall. Hawk pins him there by his shoulders. "Why the fuck are you touching her? She told you to back up."

"What she can't fight her own battles?" The guy tried to get out of Hawk's hold but he can't.

"Oh she can. And you'll see her fight in the tournament. She doesn't need me to fight her battles for her, but seeing as I'm her boyfriend, I think I will. And if you touch her again I'll break your fucking nose. Got it?" Ouu, that's hot.

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