Episode 2.5

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The lunch bell rang and I made my way to the cafeteria, I told Sam I would sit with them. The caf was crowded and I couldn't see Sam at all. Luckily I did see someone that I know. Miguel was also standing awkwardly on his own, scanning the room for a free table.

I walked up to him, "Hey Miguel, trying to find a spot to sit too?"

Miguel nods, "Yeah, oh here's one." He points to a table near us with Demetri and another boy, I'm gonna assume that's Eli. "Is it cool if we sit here?"

Demetri frowns, "Sorry, table's really blowing up right now." He gestures to the empty table. "I can put you on the waiting list but it's probably going to be next semester at the earliest."

Eli and I both smile but Miguel doesn't realize that Demetri is joking. "Okay," he says starting to walk away.

Demetri shakes his head, "I'm kidding, sit."

Miguel sits down next to Eli and I sit next to Miguel. "Miguel."

"Demetri, this is Eli." Demetri turns to me, "This is who I was talking about earlier. Riley this is Eli," he points to Eli and then me, "Eli, Riley." Eli nods and looks down. "He's a man of few words."

"It's nice to meet you Eli," I say to him. He gives me a small smile in reply.

Just then Yas and Sam walk by with their trays. Miguel looks up at them and Demetri catches it, "Dude don't torture yourself," he says to Miguel. "Those are the rich girls."

Right after he says this, Yasmine glances our direction and sees me sitting here so I wave at her. Her jaw drops as she comes running over.

"Riley, we were wondering where you were. Common." She nods her head towards their table and doesn't wait for me before she starts walking away.

I turn to my new friends, "She asked me to sit with them, I should probably go."

Demetri gapes at me, "You're friends with Yasmine?!"


He closes his mouth, "You should probably go then." It wasn't rude, more like Demetri was sad that I had to leave.

"Bye guys." I turn to Miguel, "Don't forget you're walking me that thing after school."

He nods, "I'll see you then."

I get up and take my tray over to where the girls are all sitting. Sam pulls out the chair next to her, "Where were you?"

"Sitting with a bunch of losers," Yasmine answers for me.

I slightly laugh, "They're not losers, they're really nice guys." We look towards three boys.

"Oh my God, you guys." Yasmine says. "You see that guy over there that looks like he went down on a lawn mower? He's literally wearing the ugliest sweater I've ever seen."

Moon giggles but I don't laugh this time. "He's really sweet, you shouldn't make fun of him."

"Yas, that is so wrong." At least Sam agrees with me.

Yasmine doesn't seem to notice that we didn't agree with her, "Speaking of wrong, check out Fug-lisha. She looks like she ate a picnic table."

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