Moon Light

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Third person pov
The group of friends decided to have a picnic on their day off from work. It was more of a reunion since they've graduated high school. They all had their own jobs and special talents but they all stayed friends, especially two of the boys in the group.

Karma and Nagisa, they stayed "friends" and would still talk to each other normally. But really they were in denial when the others said they obviously liked each other. They all knew they liked each other but they would play it off as long time friends.

They decided on a grassy spot and layers down the blanket to protect the food and they all sat down.
Rio: ah isn't it nice being back as a group?
The group nodded and laughed as they started to eat and catch up with each other. Like their jobs, likes and pets.

Kaede: ahh it's getting dark
Isogai: yeah, I should get going
The rest of the group agreed and got up from the ground. They started packing up their belongings and started walking back to their separate cars.

Everyone got in their cars beside karma and nagisa since they were waving everybody goodbye. After everyone else left nagisa was about to walk to his car. Karma grabbed his wrist and said
Karma: wait, how about we look at the moon and stay for a little longer.

He said it in a shaky voice, nervous a bit, but nagisa being nagisa agreed without thinking anything of it. The two walked back to the spot since it was a perfect view of the sky.

They were away from the city so the stars were so bright.
Nagisa: wow, who knew it would be so peaceful out here.
Karma: yeah, no one's here....

Karma turned on his side and looked at nagisa from the side. His soft nose and rosy cheeks from the cold shining in the moonlight. Karmas eyes were glued to him, he didn't even realize nagisa was talking to him until nagisa also turned on his side.

Nagisa: karma, what's up with you? Are you ok?
Karma snapped out of it and widened his eyes and broke eye contact.
Karma: oh uh yeah no I'm fine
Nagisa: if you say so
They both turned back to the sky and stayed silent for a few minutes

I'm those few minutes karma was hyping himself up to finally ask out his best friend. Constantly telling himself "you got this, you got this" then finally.
Karma: hey nagisa
Nagisa: yeah?
Karma: I have something to tell you
Nagisa: go ahead I'm listening
Karma:well.... I've had this small crush on someone for awhile and I need help to tell them
Nagisa: oh you should have told me sooner

Nagisa: so to tell someone you like them just say it to them directly, go ahead try you can use me as practice
Karma: ok..... I've likes you for a long time and I haven't been able to tell you, so I hope you accept this.
Nagisa: Perfect, now just tell them that
Karma: I just did
Nagisa: huh what do you me-.....
Nagisa froze after realizing what he said and flushed red.
Nagisa: YOU, LIEK, ME??!?
Karma: yeah, I do

The two looked at each other and nagisa smiles
Nagisa: I like you too
Karma: really!?
Nagisa nodded and hugged karma. They continued to look at the moon and soon fell asleep in the moonlight

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