Chapter 3

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I'm already feeling claustrophobic in here, the jail cell is really tiny. They probably make it that way so people go insane or something.

I see lots of Mogadorians walking in the hallway, past my cell. I'm starving, and I see from the little window at the top of my cell that it's daylight.

I check the time on my watch, and it's 8:30 AM. I must have been out for a while. I need some breakfast, and I hope they bring me at least something soon.

Someone comes to my cell and unlocks the door, though they don't have food. "What's going on?" I ask. "Decide to let me go?" "Something much better." He replies with an evil grin.

He takes out handcuffs, and tries to cuff me. I punch him in the face and he stumbles backwards. After a bit, he manages to get me in them, but it wasn't easy.

I try to fight as he drags me down the hall. "What's happening!" I ask once more. "Interrogation time." He replies. He throws me in the interrogation room, and I can't believe my eyes.

"No! Let them go, I'll tell you everything you want! Just let them go!" I shout, as I see Lucy and Dominic hanging by their wrists from the ceiling on the other side of the room.

"Don't tell them shit!" Dom says to me. They tie me up in a chair, and begin questioning. "So, what number are you? Are you number 5, 7, or even 9?" "I'm not saying." I answer. He goes over to Lucy, and picks up a blade from his collection.

"Maybe you'll know now!" He snaps, dragging it across her forehead. "Seven!" I shout. "Number seven." He goes over to Dominic and does the same to him.

"Stop please, I answered your question." I plead. He looks at me and mouths the words "don't answer." I can't do my best friend like that. I make up a fake story to tell the Mogadorians d

I lie about all the places I've been to, and my Cepân's name. "Very well." The Mogadorian guy says. "That concludes today. But one more thing! Maybe next time you won't be a liar if you get taught a lesson."

"Stop! I'll tell you the truth, please!" I beg him. "Maddie don't!" Dom shouts. "Yeah don't!" Lucy chimes in. The Mogadorian picks up a longer blade, and inches towards Dominic. "Stop!" I say, trying to break free of my ropes.

I try and try, but I just can't do it! "Maddie, I love you. You were like my sister. Never give up and never tell them." Dom cries The Mog laughs, and plunges the blade into Don's heart. His eyes widen, and then he's gone. Lucy and I both let out a painful scream, and that pain is enough to break me free.

I charge toward the Mogadorian, and I whip him onto the ceiling with telekinesis. I drop him to the ground and step on his throat. He turns to a pile of ash in seconds.

I untie Lucy, and I hug her. Both of us are crying hard, and we grab Dominic's cold hand. "He always could joke around. He was cracking jokes before you got in here." Lucy says, letting out a little laugh.

I smile, and then tell her to run. "But where? I don't want to get caught, and I don't know how to get out." She answers. A voice comes up behind us. "I can help you. You just have to trust me." It says. We turn around to see a Mogadorian boy our age standing in the doorway.

He's different, though. He looks human, besides the pale skin, while most Mogadorians are a purple ish color with unusually sharp teeth, black eyes, and unnatural muscles.  This kid is attractive, tall, and very skinny. 

Did I say attractive? Let's pretend I didn't. "Why the hell would I trust you?" She asks. "Please, just do it!" He snaps, pulling us both down the hall. He runs with us to an exit, and we run out into the bright daylight. "Come on!" He shouts, leading us to a vehicle. We hop in, and he speeds down the dirt road.

On the ride, he explains to us that he wants to help the Loric, and he explains how he has an abusive dad, and how he became good. He also explains that he's a true born Mog, which look human, and then there's vat born Mogs which are the common ones.

They are made in a factory, genetically programmed to be warriors.  It's scary. I ride shotgun, and Lucy is in the back behind us.  I start to cry about Dom. He was like my brother.

"I'm Adam by the way, and you guys are Lucy and Maddie. I know because of your prison numbers." He tells us. Adam. That's a nice name. 

He notices my pain, and puts his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry to both of you about your friend." He says, looking down.

I tell him my backstory since he told his, and we drive basically the rest of the way to wherever in silence, mourning Dom.

Eleven's Revelation (LORIEN LEGACIES)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora