Chapter 12

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I'm scared for John to come in here and see Sarah, he's going to be so pissed at me for not saving her. Hell, I'm pissed with myself. If only I had tried harder. I feel like shit about it.

Marina, Adam, Maddie, and Ella step off the ship, and are greeted at the door of the building by Nine and Sam. Nine high fives everyone on the way in, and I roll my eyes at him. 

After they all get inside, I see John walk out. "Is it true, six?" He asks. "John, I am so sorry..." I tell him. He runs inside of the ship, and straight to Sarah.

He grabs her hand, and softly sobs for a moment. Then, he leans down, and kisses her one last time before getting up. 

"This is all your fault!" Mark shouts, coming in. "If you would have just left her alone, she would have never been involved with this war, and she would have never gotten killed!" 

"Mark, stop. It was her choice to come with me, I advised her not to!" He snaps back. Mark laughs in frustration. "Stop lying to yourself, John!" John scowls.

"How about you drive her home, it's probably for the best to deliver her back to her parents." Mark suggests. "I don't care what you want me to do, I have a war to win." John replies.

Mark socks him in the face, and screams "Asshole! I'll do it myself, and I am not coming back" Mark picks up Sarah's body, goes to a vehicle outside, and drives off. 

John and I walk inside Patience creek in silence. We all get our own rooms with bathrooms to stay in. "Meeting in an hour everyone. You can clean up and chill out till then." John announces.

We all go to our separate rooms until it's time for the meeting to take place. I shower and put on a new outfit, and then head down to the meeting room with everyone else.

"Okay. Are we ready to start?" John asks, looking around and counting heads. "Wait, where's Adam?" He asks. A government agent brings Adam in, handcuffed.

"What the hell?" John shouts at him. "Take those off of him, right now!" "But he could still be dangerous, I can't" The agent replies. 

"Do you fools remember who the boss is now? I could tear you all apart with the flick of my wrist, now let him go!" John snaps angrily. "John, calm down, it's okay." Adam tells him.

The agent takes the handcuffs off of Adam, and he sits down between Maddie and Sam. "Okay, now we can begin." John sighs. 

"Setrakus Ra is injured, but not dead. He's being kept in the West Virginia mountain base in that black liquid stuff to heal him. We need to figure out how to turn off the machines to the liquid so that we can actually kill him, because as long as he's hooked up to that, he can't stay hurt." 

"I know where the controls are for it, I could take a few people with me." Adam suggests. "Okay great, how about you, Six, and Maddie go to the controls to turn stuff off, Nine, Lucy, and  Marina can defend the hallways, and I will go to Setrakus and defeat him." John finishes.

He then tells us about his new legacy, ximic, where he can take on any legacy. That's how he plans to conquer Setrakus Ra. 

"But what about the Anubis? We need to destroy that, too." Lucy states. "That is true," John replies. "Me, Six, Maddie, and Adam will take over the Anubis ship, and then we can all fly to the Mountain Base in it. 

Then, if worst comes to worst, we can use the giant laser on it to blow up the mountain base. Ella and Sam can stay behind on it to use the controls and warn us." John says.

So that's the plan. I'd say we have a pretty solid plan. We end the meeting, and we go to a hangout room in the basement. 

"Hey Adam, they have access to Mogadorian radio channels and are listening for anything important. The only issue is that they can't understand it. Can you translate for them?" John asks him. 

"Yeah, that's no problem." He answers. Adam goes with a short guy down the hall to a radio room. I sit and talk with Ella, Marina, and Maddie. 


I go to where we locked up Five so that he can teach me how to fly. We let him out to fly through the halls, and he attacks me to test me, but then I realize it was all part of his plan. I thank him, and we are about to walk back to the cell when we see Phiri Dun Ra burst through the doors. 

I telepathically tell everyone in the floor below to go into lock down. Phiri looks different, now she has tentacles. "Hello, John!" She laughs. Five and I start taking down the other Mogs until it's just her. 

Five takes out his secret arm blade, and slices one of phiri's tentacles off. She screams. and wraps another around his neck. "Five!" I scream. I try to run to him, but one of her tentacles impales my abdomen, and I can feel her sucking my legacies right out of me. 

Five drops to the ground, lifeless, and I feel the scar burn into my ankle. I scream, in pain basically everywhere at this point. 

I see Mark running down the hallway, and I yell for him to stop and go back, not sure why he returned anyway. "John, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have been that way earlier." He says, throwing a knife at Phiri.

She gets hit in the shoulder and lets out a howl. She launches a purple fireball at him, and he gets hit. She laughs. "Two down, one to go." "No!" I scream, trying to break free so I can heal him. 

I get one last spark of strength, and break free from Phiri's grasp. I throw a few punches at her before collapsing. She leaves the base along with the remaining Mogs, and I lay there.

I use telepathy to cry for help, and soon, everyone runs up. Marina heals me, and we take five and Mark out into the woods and cover them in flowers. 

We take a moment of silence for everyone we have lost, and then we go back in for one more night of rest before we put our plan into action.

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