Chapter 4

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Adam continues to drive, until we are in a small town. He finds us a nice hotel to stay at, and we get a room. From meeting him, he seems like a pretty nice kid.

I don't know why it was so easy to trust him. He's just so genuine and kind for a Mogadorian. "Okay guys, this is our room. There's three beds, so it's perfect." He says.

"Thanks Adam." I say, sitting down on one of the beds, claiming it. Lucy does the same, and Adam takes the one that's left.

"We should go shopping to get new clothing, and essentials like tooth brushes and stuff." Lucy states. We agree, and drive to a local store. We all get one new outfit, a few snacks, toiletries, and essential items.

We grab things for a survival kit, too. "Maddie, you know I have to have my dresses.!" Lucy exclaims. She picked out a cute but casual white dress.

We go to the check out and scan everything, and then hop back in the car to our hotel. "I'm going to hop in the shower." I tell them.

I shower off and put on the new clothes, and then they take turns showering. Once we all are cleaned up, we order Chinese takeout.

"This crap is good." I say, eating my orange chicken. "For real." Adam replies. "So Adam, why aren't you cold? Why are you a nice person?" Lucy asks. "No sense in being a cold, rude jerk is there?" He answers.

We finish eating, watch some tv, and call it a night. We each go to our separate beds and decide to get some rest.

I fall asleep relatively quickly. I wake up in the interrogation room again, and I'm very confused. "What the hell?" I say to myself. "You know, watching one of your close friends die should be enough to make you reconsider things and turn yourself in." A voice calls out.

A Mogadorian with three shining Loric pendants steps out of the shadows. "Setrakus Rá." I gasp. He laughs and nods. He's the leader of the Mogadorians, the one we need to destroy. I pick up a chair with telekinesis and throw it at Him, but he turns it to dust with his hand. I'm dreaming...

"More and more people will die. People who you care about. Innocent lives. You can stop it by simply just giving yourself up." He tells me.

"What about the others? And besides, we all know you want us out of the way so you can destroy those innocent people you talk about."

"None of this is real! It's a dream!" I shout. He comes towards me and makes a sword appear out of nowhere. He jabs it through my gut and I scream, able to feel the pain.

Next thing I know, I'm awake, Adam standing over me. I start to cry, frightened by the dream, scared about what's going to happen to everyone, and still upset about My friend. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"A bad dream." I reply. To my surprise, he hugs me. "It's okay, it was just a dream." He reassured me. "Where's Lucy?" I ask, looking around. She's not in here.

"She went to the car to get something for me." He answers. "What?" I ask. "I have a dagger for each of us." "Oh, I have one already in my- I stop myself. My chest. I don't have it anymore. It's with Lexa.

"Your Loric chest?" He asks. "Yeah." I sigh. "We could go back to get it, I mean it's a bit risky, but we could." He says. "No, I don't want to put us all in danger just to get it." I reply.

"Hey, are you sure you're okay?" He asks. "I mean your friend's...well things that happened seem to really be upsetting you. I don't know you very well, but I don't think you'd always be this sad."

"I'm not okay, not at all. I roped my two best friends into this mess, I caused one of them to get killed, now you're in danger, and I have no idea where my Cepân, Lexa is." I blurt out. I choke down my tears, as I don't want to be seen as a crybaby.

"And it's all because I was stupid and careless. I could have avoided this whole situation!" I say.  "It isn't like you knew any of this would happen."

Adam reassures me. "Why are you being so nice to me? We just met earlier today. I don't understand why you're acting like you've known me for a while." I say, not meaning to sound so rude. 

He pauses before answering. "My.. best friend, number one, who's gone now, is a reminder that you guys need support in this war. You're strong, yes, but having someone there for you is important too." He answers.

"She was my only friend, and I miss the feeling of having someone to talk to. Now that I have you and Lucy, I feel like there's hope to defeat Setrakus Rá. To save this planet."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. I appreciate your kindness." I tell him. He smiles. "Thanks, and it's ok. It's a valid question." He replies. 

Lucy comes back a few moments later with the daggers. "Here we are!" She says, setting them down in front of Adam. "Thanks Lucy." He says.

"So. What's the next step? Where are we going to go? Are we going to meet up with the others?" Lucy asks. "We don't know where any of them are.." I tell her.

She nods, and then Adam states "We should go get Maddie's Loric chest, or number eleven, whatever we are calling her. We need to go back to you guys's home town in Michigan to get it. Currently, we are in West Virginia."

"Call me Maddie, please." I tell them. "So to Mackinaw it is?" Lucy asks. "Yup." Adam says, nodding. We decide to all get some more shut eye before we head out in the morning.

(Outfits made for this chapter!)
By: Ginnystein4

(Outfits made for this chapter!)By: Ginnystein4

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