Chapter 6

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A few days have passed, and I've been taking actual food to Maddie and to this kid Sam, who I plan to free very soon. I go downstairs to get something for breakfast, and end up running into my father. "Adamus, where have you been running off to lately? These past four days you have been leaving at lunch. I'm starting to get concerned..."

He says, giving me a glare. "I've just... been going to the labs to research about any new news about the Lorics. I'm trying to locate them for you." I lie. He nods, still skeptical, and then he walks away.

Finally, peace and quiet. I have a pretty nice house in Ashwood Estates, and if I wasn't part of a race that wanted to kill everyone on this planet, I wouldn't mind living here. Ashwood Estates was given to us Mogadorians by the US government.

Anyway, I get a few waffles from the freezer and put them down in the toaster. They pop up a little later and I put them on a plate. I pour some syrup on them, and eat in my peaceful, quiet atmosphere.

Ivan, my annoying and evil brother, comes downstairs, breaking my peace and quiet. "Adamus, what the hell have you been up to lately? I saw you speaking to those two teenage kids two times! You know, the nerdy boy and the cute Loric girl. Number seven or whatever." He says.

"None of your business, now go away, you know I don't like to talk to you." I snap back. Ivan and I used to be fairly close, but ever since he shoved me down a ravine after I tried to save three, I don't like him so much. I don't like my father, either. I had to convince them that I wouldn't help the Loric anymore to come back and help Samuel and Maddie.

"I'm going to tell father, and then he will probably kill you for making friends with the enemies for what, the third time? Then, I will finally be at the top of his favorite list." He replies with a smirk. "You probably already are, I think he hates me." I tell him.

"Unfortunately, he still believes in you. I see through your bullshit, but he's too stupid." Ivan says. I sigh, and say "If you don't tell him, I'll do whatever you want." "Fine, get me that Loric girl so that I can turn her into a Mogadorian with that stuff Setrakus Ra has been working on. Then she can marry me and help us take over, we have seen her. She's powerful." Ivan commands.

"Except that," I reply. "Why? You like her or something?" He asks, smirking. "Um no, she just doesn't deserve to be turned into something so awful." I snap. I don't want to mention that I actually really care about her.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I'm getting closer to her than I was with number One's ghost, which sounds stupid but whatever. Ivan sighs and goes back upstairs. I know Father won't believe him, so he can tell. I couldn't care any less. Even if he was believed, I still wouldn't care.

I take care of my dishes, and I run to the tunnels and to the mogadorian base in New Mexico, Dulce Base. They moved One's remains, Sam, and Maddie there instead of the mountain base in West Virginia. If Ivan tells my dad, I'm going to be in huge trouble, So I need to execute this plan very fast. I go to the opposite side of the base than the prison cells for Lorics and humans. The experiment wing.

This is a great place to set off an alarm, because it'll make them think a test subject has somehow escaped. I walk past the room where I was hooked up to One's mind in order to find answers for my father.

The memories of one hit me like a brick wall, and I can't help but go inside of the room. I walk into the room lined with doors on the walls with the two operating tables in the center. I see all of the scary equipment they used on me, and it honestly freaks me out.

The doors on the wall usually are empty, but I know that they put one's body in one of them. That freaks me out too. It's basically a morgue in here. I'm about to leave when I trip on my shoelace and fall into a desk. My arm accidentally lands on a small, yellow button. I hear a click behind me, and then a crash.

I also hear someone grunt. I turn around to see a middle-aged man getting up from the ground. He sees me, and jumps back. "No don't worry, I'm good. I'm not aiming to hurt anyone like the rest of them. I'm Adam." I tell him. "I'm.. Malcolm Goode, I need to get home! My family, my son!"

He panics. "Did you say Goode?" I ask. "Yes, why?" He replies. "I know this isn't necessarily good news, but I actually know your son, and I was just going to break him and this other girl out of this place." I tell him. "Is the girl a Loric?" He asks. "How'd you know?" "I was assigned to help the Loric when they arrived on Earth." He tells me.

I tell him how Maddie came here with a girl named Ella and the whole ten and eleven situation that none of the others know about yet, and then we both decide that it's now or never. Malcolm counts down as I prepare to press the button to set off the alarms. I press it, and we both run down the twists and turns of the hallways, and a few staircases until we reach the other side.

I reach Sam's Jail cell, and he and his dad see each other at last. "Dad!" He exclaims, holding Malcolm's hand through the door. I forgot about a way to open the door to the cells, shit! "Stay here guys, I'll be back." I say, running to Maddie.

I see that Mogs have come back to the hallway. Shit shit shit! Suddenly, I get a really weird feeling inside my chest. I involuntarily stomp, creating a seismic charge that sends the Mogadorians flying backwards and breaking Maddie out.

That was one's legacy... did I just get a legacy?? "Adam you got a- Maddie starts, but I cut her off. "Yeah yeah, but come on!" I grab her hand quickly and run her down to the hallway where Sam and Malcolm are. I create another mini earthquake and break down the walls of Sam's cell.

"Go, all of you! Now!" I scream. Sam and his dad walk outside into the fresh air, but Maddie pauses before going. "Goodbye Adam, see you again soon." She has tears in her eyes, and steps forward to hug me. I hug back, suprised. She's got me tearing up now. She lets go and runs away with the other two.

I see Ivan and a bunch of other Mogadorians running after me down the hallway. I send them tumbling backwards with my new ability. Ivan gets up, runs towards me, and stabs me in the side. I scream, shoving him to the ground. He scurries backwards, and I stomp creating a very big quake.

The ceiling and walls crumble, and I finish off Ivan for good before I get crushed by a chunk of the ceiling, and everything goes black.

(HEY SO THIS IS THE WRITER, I just wanted to say that at the end of next chapter, I'm going to fast forward to the end of the series. But I'm going to give a brief summary of what happens between that time and now. Basically this is taking place right now between the third and fourth book, and then I'm fast forwarding to the 6th-7th book??? Idk. But anyway, yeah. I'm too lazy to write a bunch, and it'll just take too long.I'm still gonna make it good, don't worry!!!<3)

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