Chapter 14

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We arrive at the West Virginia mountain base, and Six creates a storm as a distraction so that we can all enter. John, Nine, and Marina head one way, while Six, Adam, dust, and I head to the controls. 

Once we reach them, Adam instructs us on what to do. "Okay, so all we have to do is pull these three levers at the same time." he starts. Six and I grab onto the other two, and get ready to pull.

"Ready? One...two...- Adam is cut off by a crash behind us. "Phiri!" He screams. We all back up, noticing how she grew tentacles somehow. Dust, in Husky form, runs at her, biting her in the leg.

She kicks him off, and impales him with one of the tentacles. "NO!" Adam screams. Six and I run toward Phiri, and she impales Six. Six cries, and falls to the ground. I Chop off the tentacle that's in six, and Phiri screams, about to impale me. 

Instead, Adam jumps in front of me, and I scream "Adam! Why would you do that!" He throws fists at Phiri, and then stomps, creating a mini earth quake that puts a hole in the ground.

Him, Phiri, and Dust plummet to the bottom of it. "No!" I scream. I hear six behind me, grunting in pain. I run over to her, unsure of what to do. 

"Do you think Adam survived?" She asks. "Shh six, you're hurt." I say, seeing that she's getting more pale by the second. I think of all the times John and Marina have healed people, and I focus on how they do it.

I place my hand on Six's injury, and she looks at me. "You don't have the healing-" She stops when she realizes what I'm doing is working. "You.. you have ximic like John!" She exclaims, once I fully heal her.  I smile, realizing I can take on any legacy now.

It's weird, because that legacy is the rarest, and two of us have it.. "Go save Adam." She tells me. I remember how John and Five fly, and I mimic them, flying into the hole. "Adam?" I call out.

I see Phiri, lifeless, and I'm proud of Adam for saving us from her. I find him a little bit over, in a corner of the hole, unconscious. I run over to him, and place my hand on his stab wound. 

It heals, but he doesn't wake up. I start to cry, and move my hand to his temple. "Wake up, Adam! You said I wouldn't lose you!" I whisper. Still nothing. "Please," I cry. "I love you." I'm so glad he isn't awake to hear that.. or so I though.

He sits up, and gently grabs my face. He softly kisses me, and then says "I love you too, why do you think I took the hit from Phiri for you?" 

"Don't ever scare me like that again!" I say, smiling. I hug him, and we stay like that for a second, until six calls down to us.

"Wow Adam, I thought you were the shy one! You just kissed her! I ship it,  but get back up here, because we still have  a war to win." 

We come back up, laughing. We pull the three Levers, and then run down the hall to find Nine and Marina. Then, we go to where Setrakus is to help John win this thing. 

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