Chapter 16

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It's been six months, and now we all live in a beautiful house together. most of the damage to Earth has been reversed, and Lorien shines on, blessing this planet with new stones, and the planet has more life than ever.

We sit at the breakfast table together, and eat. Oh, and by the way, Lucy and Nine are dating, Adam and I are dating, and Sam and Six? Well... THEY HAD A WEDDING A FEW WEEKS AGO!!!!

Crazy, right? Ella is a single pringle, along with John and Marina. "So guys, want to go out later and walk or something?" Marina asks. We all say sure.

After breakfast, Adam and I watch an episode of our new favorite show, The Book of Boba Fett. "Awww, look at the Lovebirds!" Lucy says, sitting down with nine. 

After lunch and dinner, we all go to the beautiful park of our town. We all stand on the bridge together, watching the sunset. Adam has his arm around me, and I have my head on his shoulder.

We all take this moment in, in all of its beauty. This is exactly where I want to be right now. Finally, there's no more worry, no more sorrow, just this moment, with my new practically family and true love. This is what true happiness looks like.

(OMG!!! I FINISHED MY FIRST STORYYYYYY!!!!!!!! I hope you guys liked it, I kind of suck at writing stories, so I apologize if it wasn't that great. It was still fun, and I'm going to add the fan casts I picked for the lorics. Hope you enjoyed, I love you all! Thank u for the support <3!!!)

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