↳SEVEN; make it their own

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After thanksgiving, (which tiago doesn't even celebrate) was over, Tiago had nothing else to look forward to apart from christmas. There was still no news on George's visa and his landlord was starting to message him on extending his rent for another month and Teega just had no idea what to do.

His life was slowly bugling up into a mess of worries and late night motorcycle drives didn't help at anything apart from giving him a cold.

Sapnap couldn't do anything about it. Sitting in the sidelines as he watched his boyfriend crumble under worries he could easily fix if he was there.

When Christmas came, Tiago celebrated with his family, Nick with his own in Texas, and they both had a nice dinner together on the 25th.

They facetimed and ate takeout, talking about their presents and siblings as well as the annoying aunts they had to deal with. Talked about their presents and which were their favorites. Tiago also brought up his own present that would be arriving in Florida soon, hopefully by the time Sap gets there.

Unknowingly to Tiago, Sapnap had previously talked with Dream and he had a whole plan ready.


"Dude, okay I have an Idea," Sapnap had said, sitting in his childhood room back in Texas. It felt weird talking to his best friend through a call again after living together for so long.

"What is it?" The blond said.

"I want to fly over to Tee's," Nick said

Dream didn't talk for a second, his breath hitching. "Okay," He simply said.


"There is a flight for the 26th, Texas to Ecuador,"

"Send me the link,"

"Already buying it."


The two men were finishing their dinner, getting ready to start heading to bed when Sapnap took a deep breath. "Ya know I actually do have another present for you," He said, trying to keep his nerves down.

"You do? I thought we agreed on only one," Tiago said, "Nickk, I didn't get you anything else."

"Well too bad, plus it isn't a big deal or anything, so much that I can just send it to you through text actually," Sap got the screenshot of his boarding pass ready, sending it to his boyfriends, "There, I send it,"

Tiago clicked on the notification, his camara going on pause as he read through the picture.

"WHAT" He pressed back on facetime, "YOU! I- NICK!" Sapnap smiled

"Merry Christmas Tee,"

"Nick you stupid bitch I love you so much," Tiago's camara went to pause again as he clicked on the picture again, "The 26th? That's literally tomorrow, what the fuck, you said it wasn't a big deal,"

"Well I lied, and yes that is tomorrow, I'm getting on a plane in like 5 hours," "SAPNAP oh my - I can't believe you actually just did that, what time are you arriving?"

"8 am I believe,"

"My god, that's for not letting me go to sleep any time soon," Tiago playfully rolled his eyes, Sapnap laughing as he continued his dinner with excitement through his veins.


Five hour later Sapnap was on a plane, his heart beating fast as he flew through the sky. Tiago laid anxiously on his bed, laptop propped up with the updates of sapnaps' flight on it. He would slowly start to fall asleep before his head would bounce back up and wake him.

In conclusion Tiago barely slept, eating breakfast with hooded eyes and leaving his apartment by 7:30 to meet his mom that would be picking him up to go to the airport.

It's times like this he regrets not having a car.

"Estoy tan feliz por ti, honey,"(I'm so happy for you) The older woman said as he got in her car, "I know how bad you have been wanting to see Nick."

Tiago simply smiled, tears pricking his eyes as the reality of it all finally hit him, reaching over the console for a hug "Gracias Ma, I've been checking on his flight this whole time I barely slept," Tiago let out a small laugh, wiping his eyes.

"Si me di cuenta Amor, you do know you have to quarantine now though right?" (I noticed love,) She said, Tiago simply sighed, bringing his mask to his mouth, suddenly being reminded of it.

"Yeah, hopefully he doesn't show any symptoms and we can head to grandmas for new years," Tiago said, his mom nodded, going to turn on the car, "Yeah Amor, hopefully."


Sapnap got out of the plane tired, his legs felt like jelly as he walked through migration and security. He felt as if he couldn't breathe, not only because of the face mask but because of the nerves and anxiety.

He could slightly speak with the guards, the small amount of Spanish he knew coming in the clutch. After one last round of security Sapnap found the last doors right before freedom, seeing a bunch of people against a railing, all with a sign with someone's name on them. He took a deep breath with his suitcase rolling behind him before crossing those doors.

He instantly felt watched, people scanning his face to see if he was who they were waiting for, except all Nick could do was look for a specific someone.

His own brown eyes searched every face as he kept walking, looking for his boyfriends that he would finally be able to hug and touch and KISS

His breath got caught in his throat when he finally found them, his steps coming to a halt as he studied the boy. Before he knew it his legs were making him run, being met halfway by Tiago and sharing a big hug.

Sapnap, now in his arms, noticed how much smaller he was than Tiago, only a few inches but he could still see the difference.

The world around them stopped as Sapnap held Tiago tightly. "Hi," Was all he could let out.

"Hi love," Tiago smiled as he buried his face on Sapnap's hair.

"Can't believe you're real," Sapnap let out as he tried to bring the taller one closer.

"Well, I am," Tiago said awkwardly, making both of them laugh.

After a while Tiago slowly separated them, "Love, you left your bag on the floor," He said, grabbing a hold of Nick's hand before walking over to the discarded luggage. Nick let himself be pulled, his eyes glued on how well his hands fit against Tiago's.

"Anyways, this is my mom," Tiago said, the woman saying hi back as she kept light conversation on their way back to the car.


Finally once at Tiago's place, the pair were able to remove their face masks. It felt like a face reveal, finally being able to see each other so up close. "Sap, you're so beautiful," Tiago said, his hand reaching up to cup the boy's cheek.

Sapnap's lip trembled as his eyes got glossy, Teega following suit as he let the tears flow. "Can't believe I get to see you now," Sapnap smiled, his hands reaching to his own face to hold Tiagos'.

"You really are pretty, and handsome, and I can't believe I get to touch you now," Tiago smiled as he let himself fall on the shorter's shoulder, his hands going to hug Sap's neck.

After a small moment of silence and appreciating each other's presence, Tiago spoke up in a small whisper, "Can I kiss you?" He asked, pulling away from the hug.

Sapnap simply smiled, his hands going to cup Tiago's face before bringing him I'm letting their lips lock.

They stayed like that for a while, a sweet kiss with nothing but love behind it, their first kiss at that, clumsy and with too much puckering but it was their kiss, so it was okay.

They were okay. 


This chapter was sponsored by Sapnap's MCC win, how did you all enjoy it? 

(Sorry this took so long lol) 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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