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Sakura looked down at the child, but she was too gone to care, she tilt her head and the child few across the room

Itachi: caught him in time- I knew this would happen, -turn to Sasuke- this is your mate, try to get her to calm down

Sasuke: Sakura, baby listen to me, please don't do this, come back to me baby

but Sakura only see this as a betrayal on Sasuke part, so Sasuke too was flown across the room, Sakura slowly spin out of control, with her hold on Sabrina getting tighter

Mikoto: I knew this would happen- smashed the small ball- Azazel I need your help, show yourself!

Azazel showed himself- this better be good Mikoto, I was just about to go to be-d - eye open- Sakura?-turn to see Sasuke against the wall- okay could someone tell me what happened to my daughter!

Itachi: we were hoping you would know, she's been like that since this girl showed up

Azazel: sigh- I did warn you'll did I not, Sakura is at her worst when she's unleashed, what triggered her?

Mikoto: Sasuke's ex mate

Azazel: What do you mean ex-mate?! -look up to where the girl was being tortured by Sakura- ohhh, this isn't good, well here goes nothing- Azezel put his hand toward Sakura- uşura(ease) Sakura fainted, and everything else came undone Itachi quickly caught Sakura, but let Sabrina fell to the floor with a hard bump!

Fugaku: What the hell was that!

Sabrina: quickly got up- what the hell! I am so going to reap this bitch to—

Azazel"-cork an eyebrow- you're going to do what now?

Sabrina quickly backed off as she picked up her now crying son

Sasuke:-goes to Sakura- baby?! -turn to Azazel- what the hell did you do to her?

Azazel: naive as always I see, it's called saving your life! I don't know what's going on here, but if I were you, I would sort out your affairs before she wakes up, and that includes, taking out the trash-looking to Sabrina-

Mikoto: it's a lot complicated Azazel

Azazel oh we know, we've been watching Sakura go through the motion of it all, right dear- Azazel look to the right as Mebuki appeared -

Mebuki: hello Mikoto, Fugaku, I know this is an earthly affair and we should not meddle, however, if this is not resolved before the Ritual moon, things will get out of hand quickly

Mikoto: What do you mean?

Mebuki:-turn to Sabrina and placed her in a bubble so she won't hear or see anything- you need to understand Sakura is part angel and part demon, but stronger than both, and sometimes she struggles to balance between the two, this Sabrina girl, I cannot give you information on her, but what I can tell you is be aware of her deceits. My daughter came before any oath, you decided to wait to go through the Ritual, I told you it was not necessary, but you insisted, now things are spiraling out of control!

Mikoto: What you wanted me to do Mebuki, If we did not follow the law, they would come after my family! and I couldn't let that happen!

Azazel: still naive as always I see Mikoto, the council can't come after what they don't know, and they certainly won't come after what they fear

Itachi: What do you mean?

Mebuki: meaning. they know Sakura is our daughter, and they have already promised us they would not come after her or anyone she chooses to be with

Sasuke:Mikoto:Fugaku:Itachi: WHAT!!!

Azazel-roll his eyes- I did mention that before, you do realize that right? but once again nobody paid attention, you kept Sakura and Sasuke away from each other for no reason, until it lead to this... but I do understand, you wanted to protect your family, that is honorable, but I am protecting mine now

Mebuki:- stare at him- I wouldn't if I were you

Sasuke: I wouldn't do what?!

Azazel: Since, you were more concerned with the safety of your family and less of my own, and placed both the life of your family and mine in danger of both the council and my father, Sakura will be removed from your care and placed back in my son's care

Sasuke:-eye glowing- WHAT!! over my dead body!!

Azazel-raised eyebrow- you dear to challenge me boy!

Sasuke:-ready for a fight- for Sakura yes!!!

Mikoto please stop it! That was never our intention, Mebuki, we just wanted to protect them both!

Mebuki: well clearly it didn't work out, and with this one right there- point to Sabrina, this won't be easy- I am sorry Mebuki, but Sakura nee–

Itachi: please don't! I have seen my brother go through too much as is already, they love each other, do not separate them now!

Azazel and Mebuki watched each other

Mebuki: very well then, I shall erase their memories, however, you need to keep them away from each other until this situation is done, and Mikoto, let them be, stop controlling things all the time

Itachi: what about her point to Sabrina and her son-

Mebuki: oh that is who I was referring to, Sakura, this one and her child memories of this night will be erased, only you standing before me will know about this night.

Azazel: But that doesn't mean you should let this situation play any longer -look at Sasuke- this is your mess to clean up- I suggest you clean it up before you marry my daughter!

Sasuke: yes sir

Azazel: good- in the meantime I don't see why there should be no objection with you and Sakura going to another vacation on me -smirk-

Mebuki: giggle- Azazel they said do not meddle

but it was too late by the time the words was out of her mouth Sakura and Sasuke was back at the beach house

Itachi: look at him- that will take a bit to get used to, and what about her- point to Sabrina

Mebuki: sighhh I guess it cannot be helped- rewind time- Sabrina and her child disappear- she will be returning with her son, this time please see that everything is done before, my daughter gets here - about to leave- oh and Mikoto don't ever do that again

Mikoto: confused- do what?

Mebuki that last test with my daughter, you knew it wasn't necessary, and you know if Sasuke finds out, well, you know how that would end

Itachi: confused- what is she talking about, what did you do mother

Azazel: well that is no longer necessary is it, just make sure to let the kids handle things from now on, now we have meddled way too many wives, shall we leave before they notice we are missing-they both disappear

Itachi: oh boy, I smell trouble

Fugaku: let's hope for our sake it's the good kind, because, we both know what can happen now when Sakura is triggered 

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