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-to Sakura-

-pulls out her cellphone-

Ring, ring

Sakura: come on, come on Yuichi please pick up?

-eerie noise-

Sakura -turn back- please pick up

-hears a noise behind her-

-whispers- Sakura

Sakura: w-who's there? Sasuke-Kun if that's you playing tricks on me I swear I will kill you!

Sakura: w-who's there? Sasuke-Kun if that's you playing tricks on me I swear I will kill you!

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Liato: well hello there little bitch! -appears behind her

Sasuke- where the hell did she go? -picked up her sent- along with Liato, Ayato, and Kanato. *shit! Now of all time, you kidding me!* -lightening speed get to her-

Ayato: Well what do you we have here, a scared little mouse, what no bodyguard with you today?

Sakura: -heart starts to race- *shit! Great of all times for this idiot to show up, and with his stupid creepy as brothers too* W-why are you following me!

Ayato: scotch! Following you? We are only here to hunt for our dinner, and we got the sent of such a delicious prey, you being that prey was a bonus. -smirk-

Kanato: she smell so tasty, I wanna have some too, you would let me have some won't you? -look at sakura with a creepy look-

Sakura- step back automatically, *please anyone help me*

Ayato and Liato advanced on her fang protruding, ready to attack her-

Sakura: - shaking- * no I can't die, please, I can't* Whisper – Sasuke please save me-

Ayato: -grab her – your boyfriend can't save you now! – tilt her head harshly ready to bite-

Sakura: Oh god no* -squeezed her eyes- *Sasuke please*

Sasuke: -flashes before them- Snarl- let-her-go!

Ayato: Well would you look who it is, Uchiha! Come to rescue your girlfriend again hmm

Sakura: look to Sasuke in relief- Sasuke-Kun!

Ayato: but we not done having fun with her yet! -starts feeling her up,

Sasuke: -getting angrier- Get your filthy hands off her before I rip it off! – feel himself losing control -eyes turn red-

Sakura: Gasp! Sasuke-Kun?!

Ayato: Oh wait a minute -smirk- you didn't know your boyfriend was a vampire-like one of us? Wooo this should be very interesting! So what will you do now, - continue to feel on her

Sakura: get your hands off me, I don't care what he is, he is still Sasuke-Kun to me, now let me go -kick him in his jewels- run towards Sasuke-

Ayato: You Bitch! You going to pay for that! – was about to attack her, when Sasuke cut him : Sasuke:-evil aura began to generate from him- I am really not in my mood to get pist off further, you of all person know what I am capable of Ayato, so before I lose my patience, I suggest you take your brothers and go somewhere else! And if I see you even look at Sakura the wrong way again I won't hesitate to kill you. Come on Sakura let's go- pick up sakura's stuff and leaves with her-

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