Chapter 1 (new)

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Eros p.o.v.

Ahhh I hate moving. Well I don't hate moving as much as I hate being the new kid and being the center of attention. The teachers telling you to introduce yourself to the class as if the students care who I am.

What I hate the most is that we are moving because my sister is an idiot and the council is too strict. You create one tornado and destroy one high school and suddenly you are too dangerous for the human world. Ok maybe not just one burned high school, but that's what happens when my family gets a little too emotional.

Okay let me introduce myself. My name is Asher Eros Castillo but I go by Eros. My parents decided to name Eros after the greek god of love which roman form is Cupid and Asher because it mean happy or blessing. My last name Castillo means Castle in Spanish so my name basically mean Happy Love Castle. I know weird.

I am gay. I've dated a couple of guys, but have never been in a relationship.

I have 4 siblings 2 boys and 2 girls. James Hermes Castillo, Gabrielle Victoria Castillo, Ryder Apollo Castillo, and Scarlett Venus Castillo. Yes the guys middle names were all named after Greek gods while the girls Romans. We are all spellcasters or Caster which are basically like mutts in the magical world. We are made up of wizards, witches, warlocks, sorcerer, sorceress, fairies, nymphs, and basically anything that can cast a spell.

The difference between us and other spell casting creatures is that we all gain an element we can control without a spell when we turn 17 and become full castors. We also gain our spirit animal which is basically like werewolves wolf but for casters. We can also shift into these creatures. We can also have magical spirit animals like a Pegasus, unicorn, or even a dragon.

Ok so now back to me. I like to sing a little but what I really love is art and reading if its a good book. My family also has this tradition where we use our power and cause an accident. James caused a fire. Gabby started a mini tsunami and now we can't live near a coastline. Ryder caused an earth quake and now we can't live near fault lines.

The council got mad after they heard what happened with Scarlett and said we had to enter my parents' old clan. A clan is like flock of Pegasus, pack of werewolves, coven of witches, or a herd of unicorns. My parents didn't like clan life so they decided to separate from our clan and become free casters. Now though we are loading our stuff into the moving truck to get to our clan, woohoo, note the sarcasm.

"So bro excited for next week," James ask.

"For my birthday Hell yeah. I finally get to find out what element I am and what animal I am. The best part I am going to be a full caster finally. Do you know how hard it is to be born just before the school deadline is. I am always the youngest at our schools so everybody was a full caster but me last year," I rant.

"Well do you know which element you want to be," my sister Gabby ask.

"Well no because you have no control over it right?"

"You don't have control but usually your first favorite usually is your element," my brother Ryder tells me as he puts boxes into the truck.

"Yeah but I never really had a favorite. Terra, Pyro, Aqua, and Ventus have all been the same to me. I want to be original and not a copy of one of you," I say.

"You always want to be original. That's why you go by your middle name Eros because 'there are too many Ashers in this world,'" Scarlett reminds me.

Yeah I always wanted to be original that is probably why I love art because no matter what every painting, drawing, or sculpture is different and it's own.

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