Chapter 18(Last Chapter)

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Guys I'm not really into this story anymore. So I'm just going to end it. I don't know what about it I don't like, but I do. I'm thinking of making a sequel, so it's a fresh start, but I'm not sure yet. Sorry but that's that. 

Damien p.o.v.

I smash my hand through the wall in anger. I punch it over and over again as I feel tears fall from my face. Why am I feeling this way? I feel anger and sadness at the same time, but I don't understand why. It all happened after Eros got into that coma. 

"Damien," I hear my uncle say from behind me. I turn around and I see him holding the knife that put Eros into the coma. I glare at it deeply. "I got all the pages and I found out how to cure him. I just need you for it to work." 

I feel happiness and confusion as he tells me this. "What do you need with me?" 

Uncle Aragon bites his lip. "I think you're his mate," he tells me. My eyes go wide at the statement. "It's why you've been feeling so bad over him. You subconsciously know and it's hurting you." 

I can't believe it. I'm not gay or bi exactly, but I do feel something towards Eros. Is it love though? I don't know. 

"Damien we have to hurry," my uncle says, running out of the room. I follow him out.


We get to the hospital in a couple minutes since we drove like maniacs and we arrived into his room. Eros's parents look at us in confusion, but my uncle explained the plan. It's a dangerous one, but it's the only way. 

The nurses bring another bed into the room and I lay down on it. They place the bed right next to Eros. My uncle puts rope around Eros and mine arms. He then places the knife next to Eros. He starts casting a spell and I feel myself start to get dizzy. 

After a couple more minutes of the spell I start to feel strangely. My uncle takes off my unmated necklace and waves of emotions go through my body. I feel pain, sadness, anger, and loneliness. I scream out in pain and the others try to calm me down. 

I then feel something on my side. It's the exact place where Eros got stabbed. I feel it consuming me, till everything turns black for a sec. 

I then appear in the last place I saw Eros. I see him playing with his griffin happily near the waters. I smile over at him and at that moment he turns. He runs over to me and gives me a hug. I hug him back and hold him close. "You're back," he states while pulling away. I smile and nod my head. "Does that mean you found a way?" 

"Yeah, but if it doesn't work then we could both die," I tell him. 

His eyes go wide. "You're risking your life. No Damien, no. I could never ask you to do that." 

I shake my head. "That's why I didn't ask." I grab his hand and pull him close. "Life wouldn't be the same without you." 

Eros cheeks turn a little pink making him look cute. "W-what do you mean?" 

My body seems to take over as I lean into him. He looks at my lips and leans in too. Our lips meet and I feel all the pain from before, all the anger and sadness, disappear. I feel us connecting with each other. 

The two of us fall to the ground and I start to remember something from our past. It was when we were young. It was a memory of him and me playing together. I start to realize the boy I used play with as a kid was Eros. We used to know each other. 

I start to also see visions of our future. Him and me at the alter, him and me having our first son, Liam, and I see us smiling at each other in bed after we made love. 

When I open my eyes, I'm still kissing him and he's kissing me back. This time though we aren't in his mind, but in the hospital. The room is completely empty except for the two of us. He opens his eyes and looks at me in the eye. 

"Mate," we both whisper to each other. 

Pretty short ending, but you can use your imagination on what happens next. 

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