Chapter 9 (New)

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Eros p.o.v.

This is so not fair. It is my birthday and my party, but I had to taken away from it to be tested by the Mage council. I really don't mind being taken from those people, but I still would have liked getting my presents and eating some cake.

"Do we know what happened," Mage blondie asks Mage big nose.

"Not yet," Mage big nose answers.

I'm in a circle room with stone walls with 5 Mages around me. I'm sitting on a chair in a color changing aura dome. They are evaluating my magic to see what is different between me and other castors.

"Where is my son," I hear my mother's voice from outside the room. Finally they woke up. They put a sleeping spell on my family when they took me away.

'This is so boring' a voice says inside my head.

'Who are you? I heard you when I was shifted'

'Oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Ashlyn Eden Castillo. I'm your spirit animal'

'But you're a girl. How can you be my spirit animal? I didn't feel any female parts while I was shifted'

'I'm your SPIRIT animal. Emphasis on spirt. Because you're physically male your animal is physically male too.'

'Okay. How often does this happen?'

'How am I suppose to know? I'm basically you.'

'Sorry. In movies usually the other person knows.'

'You don't watch movies, so how would you know'

'Fine in books'

'The books are always better'

'True that'

'Especially the sex scenes'

'Oh God. Don't tell me my spirit animal is slut'

'She isn't. Plus all the sex scenes book I know of you've read so all I know is because of you'

'Wait were you always there for everything in my life'

'Yeah. I was like your best friend. I was just never awaken till now'

'Even when I was in the bathroom and...'

'Yes even when you sang Kesha in the shower. I know all your secrets. hahaha'

'Is there anything I need to know before I block you out'

'You can't block me out like your mind blocks. I'm you in a way, but I'm taking nap. Oh and don't have sex or at least don't bottom'


'We can get pregnant. Bye' that was the last thing Ashlyn said before I heard snoring and she wouldn't wake up. I look around and still see the Mages still casting spells and checking my magic. I then heard my mom's voice get louder and louder which meant she was closing in.

"How did she find us," Mage bad breath asked Mage funky hair.

"I don't know. There is cloaking spell around us, so she shouldn't be able to find us," Mage unibrow says.

"It's because she is one of the best trackers in the world," I tell them. They all look at me, because that is the only thing I've said in the last 2 hours. "By the way. I would start creating a forcefield because my mom is a pyro and she has a tendency to blow up stuff. She once blew up my great aunt Ida. Though she was already a ghost, so it wasn't that bad. She just rematerialized herself."

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