Chapter 5 (New)

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Pic of Mrs.Lelia(Brianna Brown)

Eros p.o.v.

In the last 2 days nothing really has happened. All that's happened is I've grown closer to my new friends, became friends with Ivan and Kendall, Ian and I have became closer, and I constantly hear people talking about the Pyro prince and being his mate. I still don't know who it is because people won't tell me only tell me stuff about him. Oh I also keep on being asked out for some reason. At first I thought it was because of my siblings, but most of them don't even know I'm related to them.

"Eros, could you come to the front of the Library," the Liberian Mrs.Lelia asks through the the speakers. I put the last book I have, on the shelf and walk towards the front of the library with my cart.

The Hillview library is the Library of the school that also doubles as the local library for the clans. It looks small on the outside, but is huge on the inside. It is enchanted to get bigger and bigger. The library also has ancient artifacts. 10 percent of the ancient artifacts local people can use, 5 percent you need to permission, 15 percent you must be something important to use the artifacts like a teacher or archeologist, 20 percent you have to be part of the library tour committee to use, and the last 60 percent nobody can use unless it's really really really important.

I walk to the front and see the young, kind, blonde haired, librarian talking to a girl with brown hair and eyes.

"Hello. Rose I want you to meet someone," Mrs.Lelia says. She calls me Rose because she has a son named Eros and she says it's too weird to call me Eros. She also said I look as beautiful as a Rose when I blush.

"Mrs.Lelia if you are trying to set me up on a date I have to tell you she isn't my type. As you know I prefer willies over Lillies," I tell her. She started laughing, "oh no, that isn't it. This is the future Helio of the Fin crest clan Cassie," she introduces. Fin Crest? Why does that sound familiar?

"Hello it's nice to meet you...Eros right," she greets. "Yeah I'm Eros. It's nice to meet you too," I say.

"Well she needs your help to look for somebody in your clan. I was hoping you could help her out as I am going to meeting with the professors," she says.

"Yeah I can help her, but I don't know how much help I will be. I just moved into the clan," I say. "Anything will help," Cassie says. I nod my head and Mrs.Lelia tells us goodbye before leaving to her meeting.

"So, who are you looking for," I ask.

She looks at me up down inspecting me. I start to feel self consious. Today I'm wearing one of Ryder's long sleeved shirts and some jeans. I wore Ryder's shirt, because it was cold this morning and I didn't have my own. My eyes might also be pink, because I got an eye infection yesterday. My mom gave me a potion that took most of it away, but I can't use my contacts. Luckily today I didn't have a reason to use my nerd glasses that my mother got me.

Cassie groans. "Why do you have to be gay," she asks herself. "You're the cutest boy I've ever seem."

"Thank you, I guess," I say chuckling while trying to suppress a blush.

"Well I'm looking for Damien Kyles," she tells me. I groan. Why Damien of all people?

"Follow me, I know somebody that might be able to find him," I say. We start to walk towards the stairs to the second floor where Kendall is working on one of his robots. As we walk Cassie starts to talk.

"So do you have any siblings," she asked. I smile at her. "Yeah they're the Castillo siblings," I say. "Oh, cool. That means you are the son of Kara and Theodore Castillo," she says.

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